~Chapter 19~

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The doctor walked over with a clipboard, "Hi I'm Dr. Woods."

I began to get impatient, "How's Julie?"

My mom looked at me shocked, "Ethan..."

I looked at her with a look that said I was sorry.

"Well Julie's heart rate has been stabilized but there was quite a lot of trauma put on her brain and she has three broken ribs."  the doctor stated. "She also lost quite a lot of blood but we are getting that figured out now. Julie has unfortunately fallen into a coma."

My heart broke in half.

"How long?" I croaked out.

"Well, we don't know when she will wake up, if she does."

My heart broke even more when I heard him say 'if'.

"But I'm sorry to tell you." the doctor put his hand on my shoulder. "If she hasn't woken up in three weeks time, seeing her circumstances, we will have to take her off life support."

My whole face dropped.

"Only three weeks!" I shouted at the doctor. Gray pulled my shoulder back but I shoved him off. "Only three weeks! Don't you have any hope?"

"I'm sorry sir." the doctor looked at me,  fake sorrow written all over his face.

"My job is not to have hope, my job is to be logical and figure out the problem and try to solve it. Seeing Julie as she is now, the chances are 50/50. It would be a blessing if she woke up but after three weeks her body would need to shut down because we don't have the time or resources to help her anymore."

I was shocked at how blunt the doctor was.

"You may go see her now..." he stated holding his arm out to the room door. I scoffed and pushed past him.

I was almost too scared to open the door. My body finally gave me the courage to. I twisted it in my hand and stopped in the door when I saw Julie lying there, all bruised up.

She was alive, but not alive.

Her usual smile was turned so that it was straight, showing no emotion. Her beautiful green orbs weren't showing being covered by her dark, sunken eyelids. Her usually silky auburn hair lyed against her chest and it looked dead.

Somehow she still looked beautiful though. I could still see a little speck of Julie in there fighting. And she was fighting hard.

I went and sat down in the chair right next to her. I grabbed for her hand. It didn't hold the same warmth but it still fit perfectly into mine. Man I love this girl. I can't believe I ever thought otherwise.

I pulled her hand to my lips and gave it a kiss, a tear dropping down my cheek as I did so. We were all crowded around her,  wishing she'd just wake up. I looked up to see Cam looking at me with sorrow in her eyes.

She gave me a comforting smile and then looked back down to Julie. My mom saw a few tears trickle down my cheek so she made her way over to me and gave me kiss on the forehead and a hug wiping away my tears.

"I'm sure she'll wake up..." my mom said. "Julie is a strong girl, she can make it. I know it."

I gave my mom a tight embrace and she rubbed my back.

"I love her so much..." I whispered into the crook of my moms neck as I cried.

"I know honey. I know." she continued to rub my back.

My dad came over and gave me a tight hug after my mom sat down.


It has been four hours in this horrid place.

"Honey we need to head back..." my mom said resting her hand on my shoulder.

"No I'm staying here with Julie..." I told her.

"Baby you need to eat..." my mom told me.

"I'm not hungry..." I stated,  still staring down at Julie.

"Eth..." Cameron stood up. "Visiting hours are over and none of us are technically family."

"But I'm all she has..." I choked out.

"Son we'll come back first thing in the morning..." my dad stated.

I finally gave into my family and left, kissing Julie's forehead. My eyes did not leave her once the entire distance from her bed to the door.


We all got back home and I instantly went to my room, collapsing on my bed. Tears started to stream out of my eyes like a waterfall.

I heard my door open and I looked up from my misery. Gray was standing there with a plate of food. He pulled me into a bro hug after setting the plate down.

"I skrewed up big time man." I stated. "It's all my fault..."

He looked me in the eye, "Don't tell yourself that man. It's not your fault."

"I acted like I didn't want her but now I need her. She is my life." I stated and Gray pulled me into another hug.

"I'm so sorry man." he said and I gave him a weak smile,  nodding my head. "You did skrew up, but I'm sorry..."

"But you do need to eat, mom thought since you didn't eat dinner you might eat Grandma's famous Christmas time creme brulee..." Gray pulled the little cup up to my nose and I took a big whiff. "Come on, it's your favorite."

I let out a quiet laugh and took the dessert in my hands.


I showed up to Julie's room as early as I could. I mean as early as visiting hours would accept. I walked to her side of the bed and grasped her hand in mine.

"My girl..." I whispered placing my lips to Julie's hand. "I know you can fight, you need to fight. You have to fight."

"I can't live this life without you..." I state. "You are my everything..."

"Hey bubba..." Gray sat in the seat opposite me and grasped Julie's other hand.

"She was your best friend, right?" I asked looking up to Grayson.

"Yeah..." he whispered sadly.

"She was the love of your life, right?" Gray looked up to me.

"Yeah..." I whispered sadly. "I know that now..."

"Why are we talking about her in past tense?" I sadly ask. "She's not gone, she can't be..."

"She is my best friend..." Gray weakly smiled.

"She is the love of my life..." I whispered.

"She's gonna fight to her hearts content..." Gray whispered, holding his other hand out to me.

I grasped it not a care in the world on what it looks like. I massage Julie's hand with the pad of my thumb.


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