Chapter 7

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Hello everyone ~ Yes I know it's been a little while since I updated but don't worry! Here's another chapter for you guys to enjoy. Please make sure you vote and comment your opinions and what you think will happen next ? This is one story that isn't so easy to predict. Well enjoy ~

The light poured down from the car window landing on my closed eyes. I slowly opened them after being asleep in the car. My head was being softly stroked with care. Slightly turning my head I saw Aaron's face looking out the window. He looked to be deep in thought which would be normal for a time like this.

My left hand rubbed my eye and caused me to wake up more. Slowly getting up I started to stretch out my arms. Giving out a loud yawn Barry and Aaron laughed at me." What..?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"You're so cute when you wake up. Almost like a little puppy waking up after a long nap." Barry told me giving me a cuddle.

"Uh, what's up with your eyes ? Are they two different colors?" My eyes widened and I started to freak out. Did my one contact lens come out ? I tried to fish into my pocket to see if I had my case with a back up lens.

"Hey it's okay... So what if you're a little different? No one here will judge you." I then felt Barry place his hand on mine and he gave a smile. I nodded and looked over at the time. It was a few minutes to 12 o'clock so I needed to take my pills. " Do we have any water ? I need to take my pills..." I asked looking around not finding any.

Aaron shook his head in disappointment. " We have to go searching for supplies soon. We don't really have anything we could use on any of us." I nodded. I then did my best to dry swallow my pill. It was like swallowing a saltine cracker in a pill form. It didn't help that my throat was already dry since I hadn't drank anything in a while.

"Hey look outside everyone. There's a mall just down the street. Do you think we could try to find any supplies there?" Misaki told us while driving towards it. After discussing the pros and cons, we all came to agreement it was our best choice for getting supplies. Surprisingly there weren't as many zombies as you would thought there would be in the area. Eventually when we got there we stopped the car and got out.

"So everyone needs to stick together this whole time, okay ? We can't risk losing anyone because we don't know what's around the corner." Aaron told us to avoid something happening.

The malls windows were shattered and blood was everywhere. Clothes were scattered everywhere along with the mannequin parts. We were entering inside Kohl's and scavenging for anything we could find.

I ended up finding a raggedy sky blue book bag laying on the floor and took it. As we were approaching the entrance to the mall we found the little refrigerators  by the cash registers. "Hey Alexis put these two empty water bottles in your bag."

Placing my bear down, I opened up my bag and he put the water bottles into it. They were mostly dented badly and smashed but it was usable. After I closed it up, put it back on my back and grabbed my bear.

We headed out towards the mall and the conditions were a little worse. There were broken store windows, chairs laying around and pools of blood everywhere. Quite a few zombies were walking around but as long as we were quiet we should be okay... I think.

"Okay so the food court is quite a ways away. Make sure to avoid making any noise or contact with the zombies." Aaron whispered to us while we were walking towards the food court.

"Ooo that's a cute skirt. Im sure no one will miss it." Something told me that I needed to turn my attention to something else. I turned my head to see the cheerleader running over to grab a skirt from Windsor. That girl was going to us all killed!

I ran over to her to stop her from grabbing that dress. As soon as she grabbed it, she was going to leave the store with it. Did she forget there are sensors still on that dress and possibly set off the alarm. But it was to late, she ended up setting off an alarm. Somehow there must've been just enough electricity still running.

The zombies nearby were attracted to the sound and started coming towards us. Luckily to avoid more of them, I stopped the alarm by pushing her back into the store. But in the process I dropped my bear and the zombies were coming. Just barely I grabbed it in time and got back into the store before they got me.

"Quick close the gate, there's no time to try and escape." Misaki warned us while pulling down the metal gate in front of us. It had just closed in time. The cling of the gate hitting the floor was enough to shake my soul. The zombies started pounding on the gate so we couldn't get out.

"Run to the food court and find everything you can salvage. We will try to find a way out in the back." I told the others while the gates were scraping the ground.

I sighed turning back to see the cheerleader freaking out. " What are you looking at freak ? You're acting like this all my fault." I felt like strangling her since she separated us from Barry and Aaron.

My body was getting heated and I was squeezing my bear in frustration with her. I felt Misaki try to calm me down by massaging my shoulders. I didn't think this place would still have any power but turns out it did.

So now we gotta watch every move we take to avoid this happening again. "Why do you even have the bear everywhere you go? It's so disgusting and dirty looking." She then ripped my bear from arms and started messing with it.

Something inside me started to break and it made me really upset. She was handling it without any care of what it means to me. The only reminder I have left of her was that bear. I won't let anyone dare damage or destroy it. " I think you should give back Alexis his bear." Misaki tried to warn her but she was to late.

"Chloe is your name right ? Give me the bear... Please." I asked her trying to give her a chance to live. "Or what ? There's nothing you can do about it. And by the way, those "friends" in your picture in your locker aren't real. You fucking nutcase, ahaha! " I turned to Misaki knowing she wouldn't lie to me.

" that true?" She hesitated for a moment then sadly nodded at me while looking away. I felt tears welt up in my eyes. Of course they were there all of the time. But why can't I remember how I met them or what we did together outside of school?  That didn't matter right now.

What matters is she has my bear ! "Hey look, what would happen if I started to rip off his arm?" Chloe then started to trying to rip off the bears arm! Something dark came over me and I let it take over.

I tackled her to the ground and punched her in the face. "Hey got off me! You fucking freak, what the hell are you doing !?"

I continued to beat her senselessly while laughing." Hahahaha! I'm going to kill you for what you did ! It's only right for what you did for not listening." I was then grabbed  by my arms and pulled back off her.

" Shhhh it's okay... I'm here now... I got you." I was being held and stroked by Misaki. She was using her motherly voice to try and calm me down. Sometimes it would work enough to calm me down when I had an episode. But whatever was inside me for that moment left instantly

" fucking bastard! You t..twisted my fucking ankle!" Chloe cried out while spitting out blood. The gate in front of the store was breaking now. I saw it was getting more and more weaker. Quickly grabbing my bear I turned to Misaki.

"M..Misaki! We have to leave now. Follow me." I grabbed Misaki's hand and we got up. As we did the gate was broken down from the horde of zombies constantly bashing it. The metal slammed down into the ground causing a loud echo. We ran out to the back by the registers while ignoring Chloe's cries for help .

"H...hey where are you going !? Save me ! Hel- ahhhhhhh! " Her cries for help were cut off and she screamed in pain.

Right before I closed the back door of the store I could hear her bones crunching. Serves her right for touching my bear. She's lucky I wasn't the one who had killed her "It's alright... Big brother is here to protect you..." I told my teddy bear while a tear fell down my cheek. No one can hurt you as long as I'm around...

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