Bucky Barnes {1}

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Wow this is a long one, enjoy;))))

1934:She ran, her breath caught in a silent giggle

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She ran, her breath caught in a silent giggle.
She put a hand over her mouth to prevent the giggles to be heard.
Then she heard footsteps so she tried to be quiet.
But, she failed miserably when two arms poked her side causing her to scream.
She turned around so fast that some of her hair got stuck in her red lipstick.
She giggled and slapped his chest.

She threw punshes at the masked man; The Winter Soldier.
One of HYDRA's best, if not the best soldier.
She dotched and attacked like no other.
Soon Steve joined, and they were fighting like hell.
She was threw across the road by him.
She couldn't hear much because her ears was ringing.
She opened her eyes, and was met with bright light (way to bright for her liking).
She stumbled to her legs, shaked her head to stop the ringing and threw herself into battle again.

"James Buchanan Barnes and Steven Grant Rogers, get down here right now!"
Steve and Bucky knew they were in trouble when Y/N used their full names.
"I swear to God if you don't come down this instant I will throw away all your books and sweets!"
She always had a temper.
Steve looked at Bucky with a knowing look.
Bucky then showed his best friend causing Steve to let out a surprised yelp, which again caused Y/N to discover their hidingspot.
She had never seen two grown up men run so fast in her life.

She was knocked out the second she threw herself into battle again.
She was shaken awake by Sam calling her name.
"Hey sweetcheeks, I know you just want to stay unconcious and stuff, but now is really not the time for that."
He smiled down at her, she groaned as she sat up.
The ringing in her air still continued, she came to the conclution that she had a concussion.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah."
She brushed him off, they had bigger things to worry about.

Bucky shifted nervously.
She had been quiet for almost a minute.
'Had he really just said what she thought he had said?' She wondered.
"Y/N, please say something."
She was still looking at her feet.
When she finally looked up he saw that her cheeks were wet with tears.
Did he make her cry?
She looked into his eyes searching for the truth.
When she found it she marched up to him and smashed her lips to his in a breath taking kiss.
When they broke apart, with their foreheads pressed together, she whispered;
"I love you too, you idiot."

She ran to Tasha to assist her.
They worked unbeliviable well together, seeing as they had been partners for some years now.
They worked with their bare hands and their guns.
When Tasha found out that Y/N could handle herself, she ran after The Winter Soldier.
When her gun got knocked out of her hand she knew that she was screwed.
She was way out of breath and her head was hurting like hell causing her to see doble.
She was actually thinking about surrender when Sam swooped in and saved the day.
She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
"I could've handled that on my own, ya know?"
He just huffed and shaked his head.

Tears were streaming down her face, defiently ruining her makeup.
But she couldn't care less.
Bucky had just gotten down on one knee and was looking up at her with nothing but love in his eyes.
"Y/N I know we haven't been together for a long time, barely two years. But, I've known you since I was 15. And, that feels like a lifetime. So, since I love you so much and since I really want to spend the rest of my life together with you and maybe one day have kids together. Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"
She couldn't form any words so she just nodded.
Bucky got up again and wrapped her in a tight hug.
But, she stopped the hug and grabbed his head to meet her lips in a sweet and loving kiss instead.

"I remember the first time I saw you, you were 14 and I was 15. You wore a sky blue top over some black dress pants, and of course some red lipstick. I remember the first time I talked to you, I asked you why you didn't wear a dress like normal girls did. You looked at me and rolled your eyes, and answered 'I'm not a normal girl' and shtugged your shoulders befare walking off. I remember when we started to become friends, Steve introduced us. You glared at me because I was the boy who mocked you for not wearing a dress. I remember when I found out that I was in love with you. March 1934, when we were playing hide and seek and you slapped my chest with your arm and giggled. I remember why I fell for you; the fact that you don't take shit from anyone, you go your own way, the way you laugh, you protect everyone, your eyes, the way you smile at me, the way your nose crinckles when you don't like your food, your apetite and the way you swear like a sailor. I could go on but I promise you, the list would never stop. I can't wait to be the loving husband you deserve Y/N Barnes. I love you with all of my heart."

She looked at the paper in her hand, she got accepted. She got into the army. Holy shit, she got to see her husband again.
She was going to be under Miss. Peggy Carter's supervision.
She dried her tears and got up to start packing with only one thought on her mind;

She screamed at the top of her lungs.
Steve had tried but he failed.
She fell to the floor while screaming his name.
Her dead husbands name.
Steve sunk down to her level and tried to wrap his arms around her, but she started to punch his chest.
Screaming at him, pounding on his chest.
But he didn't flinch, he just wrapped his arms around her.
Then she stopped punching him and she let the tears flow free.
She didn't know how long she cried, but she didn't stop until her eyes were dry.
She sniffed and looked up to Steve, only to see that his eyes was red from all the crying he had done too.
She lifted her hand to wipe away his tears, and he leaned into her touch.

She went with Steve on The Valkyrie.
She couldn't survive without him, she had tried but, she couldn't.
Steve was talking with Peggy until Y/N piped in.
"I love you, Peggy. And, so does Steve."
She heard Peggy giggle sligthy and then she felt Steve swap her arm.
She glared at him and mouthed an 'Ow!'
She remember the last thing she said to Peggy;

She woke up to the sound of a radio playing some soft jazz.
She opened up her eyes to a bright light coming from outside.
She sat up in the bed she was laying in and groaned at how stiff she was.
She looked around the room.
Where the hell was she?
The last thing she remembered was...
Ice, lots of it.
She was on that plane with Steve going for the ocean.
But, this wasn't one of the telts in the base.
No, this wasn't- Her eyes widened.
She was not in the army anymore.
She stormed out of the room and into the streets.
What the hell?!
"Miss! Miss Barnes, we need you to calm down."
She tore her eyes away from the enormous amount of skyscrapers and bilboards to look at the man who had spoken to her mere minutes ago.
He wore all black with a long leather coat and an eyepatch?
"I'm Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D."
"I'm guessing you already know who I am?"
The man nodded.
"Where the hell am I?"
"New York ma'am, 2011."

She stood still, she was frozen in shock.
Steve seemed to be frozen too.
She let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.
She then asked the unbelieviable;


Would you look at that! I actually updated!
I have offically graduated middleschool (or as we say in Norway; Ungdomsskolen) and I'm at my first week of holiday.
The reasons why I haven't updated is simple;
School, exams and stress.
I will try and update as often as I can.
Love you guys

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