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Arden giggled childishly and Caius couldn't help but marvel at the wonderful sound that filled his eyes.

Arden was currently trying to teach him how to use a cellphone after he was completely confused when she pulled hers out.

"I must say your technology is completely pointless." Caius stated while furrowing his eyebrows at the tiny machine in his hand. Arden laughed again while taking her phone.

"It's better than the sticks I'm sure you had mister I'm an all mighty king." Arden sassed with a smirk when she saw Caius send her a glare. He had explained to her about the his coven and the aristocracy that resided in it.

"And it's not pointless, how else are you supposed to talk to people your not close to, not all of us have super speed." Arden pointed out with a satisfied smirk on her face.

"I suppose, some of the lower guard to carry them." Caius mused, mostly just to see the happiness that passed through the humans eyes.

"I'm always right so you should get used to it. How else are people supposed to see each other if it wasn't for these." Arden stated while holding the phone close to her chest.

"I would like to see you again." Caius muttered loud enough for the human to hear without thinking, causing the girl to smile at him, though a confused look passed across her face.

"Why would you want to see the weird dying girl again?" Arden asked while raising an eyebrow and Caius sighed, not ready to explain the whole "m" word to her just yet.

"Your different." Caius stated, and that was true. She was different from any being the vampire had ever met in his three millennium. The brunette laughed at the older vampires choice of words.

"Yes I do get that a lot." The human murmured with a smile before looking at her phone and sighing.

"I have to go, I'll see you around Caius." Arden stated while getting up and beginning her journey back towards home, allowing her feet to lead her.

"Wait, I really do want to see you again." Caius said as he sped infront of the girl. She seemed to ponder the notion for a moment before going into her bag and pulling out the journal she took everywhere with her. She wrote down the ten digit number in careful neat script.

"Now I suppose your going to have to learn the latest in cellphone technology Mr. Volturi if you ever wish to hear from me." Arden said with a satisfied smirk on her face as she held out the piece of paper. To her surprise when he took it he didn't let her go, instead he did the opposite. Pulling her closer and maneuvering her wrist to his nose, inhaling the scent deeply, Arden watched as his burgundy eyes turned obsidian, but it wasn't fear that made her pulse increase. Said vampire heard the change and smirked while turning her hand over and placing a kiss on it.

He then gently placed the cold hand that wasn't holding hers, onto her cheek caressing it for a moment before his eyes gravitated towards her lips.

"Oh no darling, you might be cute but your going to have to work for that kiss." Arden purred with a smirk gracing her lips while Caius sighed, watching her begin to move away.

"You think I'm cute." Caius stated with a smirk, excepting her to be embarrassed but instead she simply turned her head to look at him, smirk still on her face while sending him a wink and continuing her journey.

Leaving the vampire completely confused on all things Arden Black.

A/N: Arden's adorable and she makes me happy.

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