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The cullen's seemed to be in the middle of a conversation when Arden teleported into the living room. Immediately Renesmee squeaked and ran into the girl she considered to be her best friends arms. Even though Renesmee looked around 14 she seemed to act younger around the brunette

"I can't believe your here! I haven't seen you all week." Renesmee pouted while everyone else chuckled.

"Sorry princess, I'm avoiding Caius." Arden admitted. By that point everyone had dispersed throughout the room. Renesmee raised an eyebrow in curiosity at her friend, who seemed to be having trouble containing the fit of giggles she burst into.

"What did you do to him now Arden?" Renesmee asked.

"Oh well I might have cut his hair." Arden muttered in between giggles and immediately Renesmee started laughing to. The two were immediately cut of my a phone ringing. Arden smirked lightly when she saw who it was from.

"Oh hey babe, fancy you calling I was just talking about you." Arden faked shock, though Caius certainly wasn't in the mood, which made it all the more fun in Arden's opinion.

"ARDEN COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANT." Caius snapped and the brunette rolled her eyes.

"I think your going into a tunnel, i'm going to-" Arden stated, making her voice crack in a way that Caius obviously wasn't buying.

"Arden." The blonde king spoke with a sigh.

"Okay I'm going, I'm going." Arden huffed while hugging Renesmee and giving her a wink before teleporting back into the room she and Caius shared.

Immediately she grinned at the sight of him. As much as he completed annoyed her at times she still loved him more than anything. Not to mention that new haircut made him look like a sex god.

"Holy fuck babe you look hot." Arden complemented bluntly, not bothering to hide the fact that she was checking her mate out.

Caius had, obviously been about to yell at her for cutting his hair, but stopped when he heard her speak.

"I can't believe you cut my hair." Caius grumbled.

"Admit it darling, I'm always right, cutting your hair makes you look even hotter." Arden stated smugly, smirk only widening when Caius didn't disagree.

"Fine fine your right, is that what you wanted." The blonde king conceded with a sigh.

"See, I love eternity." Arden spoke as she moved closer to her mate, bringing her hands into his newly short hair and pressing their lips together.

In that moment, Arden knew she would love her forever, if forever meant him.

A/N: holy fuck Arden has been one of my favorite characters to write I honestly love her so much!!

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