twenty four

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Arden was having the time of her life.

The Volturi were yet to return to the castle, which left it completely empty and ready for snooping. So far the brunette had found out that Jane secretly loved John Green and J.K. Rowling while Aro was a freak in the sheets, though that wasn't too unexpected.

Currently Arden was sitting lazily on the throne she assumed was Caius', her legs hung over one side while brunette locks cascaded over the other. She was reading one of Felix's diaries from the 1400's and it was quite amusing already.

She could smell the approaching coven and grinned to herself, not bothering to adjust her position in her mates thrown Arden continued lazily flipping through the mountain mans diary, swinging her legs lightly. When the thrown room door opened Arden looked up and lazily grinned at the incoming coven who stared at the young brunette in shock.

"You know Felix, I would have never guessed half the stuff you were into back in the hood ol' days." Arden stayed with a smirk while waving the leather bound book in her hands. A vampire with sandy colored hair, who Arden assumed was Demetri burst out laughing and a few other chuckled slightly when Felix stuttered out words.

Caius walked over to the brunette with a soft smile on his face. It was a look that only Arden ever got to see and it made her smile at the sight of it. The male reached out and grabbed his mates hand pulling her out of the thrown room (not before Arden tossed the diary to Demetri with a wink) and leading her to some unknown place.

"Caius where are we going?" Arden playfully whined, causing the older male to chuckle as he lead her to a closed door and threw it open.

The brunette couldn't help but gasp softly at the sight of it. Paintings covered the walls, with sketches littering ever available surface. Arden picked one up at random and her jaw dropped when she gazed at it.

It was a sketch of her, done in pencil, and it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

"Caius." Arden mumbled, in complete shock with her mate as she continued to examine the many sketches.

"It's one of my passions." The king admitted and Arden turned around, beaming at the blonde.

"There beautiful Caius, so incredible beautiful." Arden spoke truthfully as she walked closer to the male and wrapped her arms around his neck and reached up to connect their lips. The blonde responded immediately, kissing the brunette back with so much passion it made the younger vampire moan.

"Do tell me darling, are the walls soundproof?" Arden asked, a lustful smirk on her face. Caius returned the look and, faster than Arden had ever seen him move, picked her up and sped her into another room. Resting her back on silk sheets while he hovered above her, legs wrapped around the males waist.

"No, but this room is." Caius stated before placing his lips on hers.

Needless to say they would have a fun eternity together.

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