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Arden Black laid on one of the Cullen's unused beds, curled into a tight ball seemingly wanting to disappear.

She was having a bad day. They happened every once in a while and when they did the pain as immeasurable and it made Arden wish death to come faster. It was as though she could feel her cells slowly coming to a halt as the tumor pressed harder and harder onto her lung, slowly eating away at every healthy particle left in her decrepit body.

When bad days happened to the brunette, everything seemed to disappear as the pain became her sole focus. That's why Arden wasn't aware of the argument downstairs, she wasn't aware that Isabella and Edward had returned home, wasn't away of the being growing inside the humans womb.

It was only when she felt the comforting cold hand that her pain filled senses put together to be Edwards did she look up, suffering brown met sorrowful gold.

"Hey Eddy." Arden murmured hoarsely.

"Hey Ard, how are you." Edward asked, his tone holding obvious worry.

"Oh you know, never better. I am a little warm though." Arden replied, giving her best friend a weak smile, one that Edward returned.

"Here let me help." Edward then moved so he laid on the bed besides his sick friend who moved to cuddle into him, enjoying the way icy skin cooled her aching heated bones.

"So chivalrous of you Eddy, now do tell why are you home so early?" Arden asked and she felt the Vampire tense for a moment, the action causing her to look up at her friend, who's face was contorted into on full of worry.

"Edward what's wrong?" Arden asked, her tone completely serious.

"Something happened to Bella, she's pregnant." Edward stated after a minute and Arden gasped lightly, eyes going wide as she looked at her best friend who looked clearly distraught.

Arden but her lip and moved one of her aching arms to touch her friends face lightly.

"Everything's going to work out Edward I promise, I'll be here for you no matter what." Arden promised and her words seemed to calm the Vampire slightly because he smiled lightly at the sick brunette, who's eyes held the promise she had made fiercely.

"Thank you Arden, and not just for this, for everything." Edward replied and the brunette chuckled softly, laying her head on Edwards chest while closing her eyes finding sleep wrapping itself around her like a welcoming blanket.

"What are best friends for." Arden murmured just as sleep overcame her. What she didn't realize was that the entire vampire family had stopped to listen to the conversation between the sickly human and her vampire best friend.

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