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Arden Black was looking around, trying to find her best friend all while feeling several people's stares on her when she overheard Bella's annoying high school friends talking.

"I just thought it'd be bigger." One of Bella's particularly bratty friends stated and Arden smirked when a though popped into her head.

"Julia is it." Arden asked in a fake innocence tone, that voice made many of the Cullen's as well as the Caius look at her causing the rest of the Volturi to stare as well. They all knew Arden wasn't that nice, especially not to people like Jessica Stanley.

"It's Jessica." The brunette said, trying not to be intimidated to the beautiful girl.

"Right Jackie, well listen I'm sure you thought a lot of things would be bigger. But hey, it's always good to want things, even if there out of your league." Arden stated giving a pointed look to the boy she had brought as her fate who was currently drooling as he stared at Arden. Emmett couldn't contain the bear like laughter that escaped him before he had to cover it with a cough.

"Nice talking to you." Arden smiled a fake smile before swiftly turning around and scurrying over to Edward who was standing with his new bride extremely near the table the Volturi sat at.

The brunette didn't waste a second to run over to Edward and jump onto his back.

"Eddy that's probably the most fun I've had the whole evening." Arden stated dramatically while Edward chuckled at his best friends theatrics.

"Now I held up my end of the bargain so hand them over." Arden practically squeaked. The male sighed before pulling out a set of keys causing to sigh while hopping off Edward and dragging him onto the dance floor. The pair were truly something to watch. Arden was constantly pulling eccentric dance moves causing Edward to laugh the way he only did when he was with his best friend.

Carlisle and Esme, who had been previously making conversation with the three kings stopped when they heard there eldest son laughing and turned to see Arden attempting some elaborate dance move. The parental vampires both smiled lightly, though it was filled with sadness considering they both knew the brunette didn't have much time left.

"Carlisle who is that?" The Raven haired king asked, though he already knew her as Caius' mate.

"Arden Black, she's practically a part of the family." Carlisle stated and Aro nodded.

"Does she know?" Jane asked in annoyance as she watched the human.

"Yes." Carlisle stated hesitantly.

"Then she must die." Jane stated and it took everything in Caius' body not to rip the head of the guard of in that very instant.

"She already is, she's terminally ill. The cancer only gives her 4 months left." Esme explained causing the blonde guard to narrow her eyes, though she still nodded.

"I'm going to go see my baby." Arden squeaked happily after dancing with her best friend for several songs. On her way to the Cullen's garage she saw something that made her stop.

That bitch Jessica fucking Stanley was trying to flirt with her man.

Internally Arden knew that he technically wasn't in any way her man, but that most certainly didn't stop her from going up to the brunette bottom feeder and stepping in between them.

"You know Janet when I said it's good to want things I definitely didn't mean to try to accomplish those goals. I meant it in the way an ant wants to not get stepped on. Run away now little ant before my shoe finds you." Arden stated menacingly while glaring at the bottom feeder who quickly scurried away.

When Arden heard a chuckle coming from behind her she spun around to see Caius staring at her with a teasing glint in his eye.

"Jealous?" Caius asked in Italian and Arden smirked.

"Definitely." Arden replied, though this time she spoke in Latin.

"It looks quite good on you." Caius complimented, also speaking Latin.

"Really?" Arden questioned in Romanian, quite liking playing this game with him.

"Really." Caius also replied in Romanian with a smirk.

"You sure about that." Arden asked in Arabic. As soon as she saw the slight confusion in Caius' features Arden burst into a fit of giggles.

"I know some you don't know! I know something you don't know!" Arden cheered in Arabic while Caius growled in annoyance.

"Cheer up Caius. You'll have to accept sooner or later that I'm just way more amazing than you." Arden stated in Italian with a smirk causing Caius to roll his eyes.

The two continued there playful banter until it was time for the toasts and the brunette slipped back to Edwards side as they began.

Emmett's was probably her favorite, though watching Charlie's awkward speech, or hearing Bella's mother sing was just as enjoyable for the hilarious for the brunette.

"Edward Cullen, you are without a doubt the most serious person I've ever met. I mean seriously like I'm surprised Carlisle hasn't had to preform emergency surgery to get that stick out of your ass yet." Arden stated, causing everyone to laugh at the brunettes words.

"But I mean I wouldn't have it any other way, your my best friend in the whole world, your the person I trust with literally anything, the person who could call me saying they just killed someone and I'd happily grab the shovel and the disinfectant. I'm just kidding Charlie. But when you met Bella you too seemed to perfectly balance each other. You were always over protective enough to catch her when she clumsily falls, always there to keep her safe from scary staircases or walls that just so happen to be out to get her. But I mean let's not lie you too are both awkward as hell."

"You two complete each other in the most beautiful, slightly unhealthy way possible. The kind of love you have is the kind that you only find once, the kind that well, lasts forever." Arden finished with a smile as her eyes flashed to Caius to find him already watching her intensely.

Arden wanted that kind of love, and she was beginning to believe she found it.

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