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Arden Black was dead tired. After giving her speech and wishing the happy couple a warm goodbye Arden promptly rushed up to Edwards room, changed into the pajamas she had Alice keep in there and fell asleep.

That was one of the downsides of dying, it meant getting tired over things that wouldn't tire most people.

Currently the brunette was wandering sitting against the base of a tree, resting.

It was then that she felt his presence and looked up to see Caius Volturi staring at her.

"Hi." Arden said while smiling at him tiredly. Caius didn't say anything, he simply continued to stare at her.

"That werewolf is in love with you." Caius growled after a moment and Arden couldn't help but smile up at him.

"I know." Arden replied with a sigh as she stood up in an attempt to make herself almost as tall as him.

"Do you feel the same way?" Caius asked while narrowing his eyes. Arden shook her head immediately and Caius seemed to visibly relax.

"What about you huh, I mean you are a king and all." Arden asked, desperately hoping the answer was no.

"Vampires have mates so I have to find my mate to have a queen." Caius explained and Arden nodded while biting her lip.

"So have you, found your mate I mean?" Arden asked, a feeling of being truly vulnerable exploded through her system as she stared at the blonde king.

"I believe so." Caius replied and it was as though Arden's heart broke into a billion pieces. Of course he had a mate. He would never actually choose her. The dying girl. The human.

"Oh, well I should go." Arden stated, failing to hide the way her voice cracked at the end.

"It's you." Caius blurred out. Those two words caused Arden to stop. Never in her entire life had the brunette ever imagined a soulmate, but there he stood. He was rambling now, about something that didn't quite make its way to Arden's ears as thoughts flowed through her brain.

Her soulmate was right in front of her and she sure as hell wasn't going to pretend that she didn't feel things for him, not anymore.

So without saying anything Arden moved closer to the blonde king and stood on the tips of her toes as she placed her lips onto his.

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