birthday chapter

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So Im not sure if any of you are aware of this but I make character profiles for every one of my characters, and today just so happens to be my Arden's birthday.... so this means a birthday chapter!!

Arden was laying on her overly large bed. She was attempting to read hamlet, a book Marcus had suggested she try out and the brunette had to much of a soft spot for the king to say no.

It turned out Arden did not like Hamlet. The young immortal was playing with a piece of her hair in complete boredom when the door to her room opened, causing the brunette to squeak excitedly, throwing the book at the entering blonde male who caught it.

"Your back! I missed you so much!" Arden exclaimed as she sped over and jumped on her mates back, clinging to him like a koala.

"Arden you saw me thirty minutes ago." Caius pointed out, though he made no move to remove the brunette from her place on his back.

"Yeah exactly, thirty whole minutes is a very long time when you have nothing to do." Arden complained dramatically causing the blonde to chuckle lightly at her theatrics.

Caius then moved to get onto the bed, forcing Arden to get of his back and instead she curled up in his lap, resting her head on his chest.

"I want a otter." Arden stated randomly.

"A what?" Caius questioned, his tone full of amusement.

"You know a otter, tiny, brown, freaking adorable." The brunette spoke animatedly for the next half an hour about kittens while Caius simply watched her with a smile as she talked about how adorable otters were, and how they held hands when they slept.

That's how it began. Every day for two months Arden asked in different languages, in different tones, for an otter. It did have a tendency to bother some of the other coven members, seeing as she'd pop in at often the worst times simply to ask for an otter.

Little did she know Caius had a plan.

It took the human assistant four days to find an otter pup that would be old enough on June 16th but soon enough the day came and Caius was excited to see his mates reaction.

Jane had summoned her to their chambers and Caius stood infront of the tiny animal. Soon enough the brunette entered her room with a confused expression.

"Caius babe, what's going on, and if your going to kill me I must decline." Arden spoke with a confused expression. The blonde king chuckled lightly at his mate before moving to the side.

The look of adoration on Arden's face was probably the most adorable thing Caius had ever seen.

"Oh my- oh my god caius I- I don't know what to say." Arden breathed as she reached out, picking up the small animal who squeaked happily. The noise made Arden squeak in pure joy as a giggle escaped her.

"Thank you so much, oh my god, hold shit." Arden stated as she sped to hug her mate, careful not to hurt her new companion.

"Oh my god I have to show Aro." Arden said before teleporting away to where Aro was.

If Arden could give money to see the look on Aros face when she teleported in on Sulipcia and Aro, she'd be poor and happy.

Never once had Arden laughed as hard as she did when she saw Aro in pink fluffy handcuffs while Sulpicia held a leather whip. The brunette was quick to teleport away and back into her mates room, her laughter echoing through the halls.

"Oh- My- God-" Arden wheezed out, holding her new pet in her lap.

Caius waited for his mate to finish with her fit of giggles before questioning her.

"Well all I have to say is that I never took Sulpicia as the dominate type." Arden responded with a smirk before going back to playing with her otter, and chuckling occasionally when an image of Aro in pink handcuffs popped into her brain.

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