twenty three

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Arden didn't say anything when Aro gave his monologue, only roll her eyes every now and then, nor did her face change in the slightest when Alice and Jasper came out. It was only when her part of the plan came into action did Arden place Renesmee down and smirk in her mates direction before disappearing and reappearing several seconds later right infront of the Volturi with Nahuel and Huilen.

The amount of energy it took for Arden to teleport as much as she had been was enough for the brunette to stumble, and almost fall had it not been for a certain king who caught her.

"Don't think you catching me means that your not a total dick." Arden mumbled.

"Yes but you love me." Caius replied and she could hear the smirk in his tone.

"Oh?" Arden asked.

"Yes your little hybrid told me that much." Caius stated before the brunette scoffed.

"Yeah just because I love you doesn't mean I'm not royally pissed at you, so don't expect a conversation until you apologize." The newborn smirked this time, knowing the blonde king wasn't used to apologizing. When the brunette tried to get out of her mates arms the blondes arms the man simply tightened his grip. Seeing this Seth growled clearly not understanding that he and Arden were mates. The noise made Caius hiss at the wolf.

"Mine." Caius whispered and the action made Arden's eyes narrow.

"Yeah, yours, whatever. Listen you might be cute and a king but I'm definitely not some damsel that's going to fall into your arms, oh and I can also teleport so bye." Arden stated before teleporting across the field next to her best friend who smiled at brunette.

Arden watched as they got ready to leave and Caius turned around looking at her with the adorable eyes she couldn't refuse. The brunette growled in annoyance before running to the opposing end of forest and jumping into a tree.

"Apologize." Arden demanded.

"Arden can't we just-" Caius asked, but the newborn cut him off.

"Nope we definitely can't, I want everyone know your graveling, hell I want someone, I'm talking too you Vladimir, to record this just so everyone can see that I'm always right." Arden smirked, when her mate sighed in defeat.

"Fine. Arden I apologize for not believing you amount the hybrid. Your always right about everything and I shouldn't have doubted you." Caius grumbled but stopped when he saw the smile on Arden's face.

"Now just keep repeating that and we'll have an easy eternity." Arden stated with a smile as she leaped from of the tree and pressed a light kiss to her mates lips before moving away.

"Does that mean you'll stay in Volterra?" The blonde king asked.

"Oh you're definitely not getting off that easy." Arden laughed while the king growled.

"Come on just one week?" Caius asked, using the eyes she couldn't resist.

"Fine, but you have to give me a 97.5% promise that you won't chain me up and keep me in Volterra forever." Arden smirked.

"Why not 100%?" Caius asked, making the brunettes smirk grow wider as she leaned up to whisper in her mates ear.

"Maybe I like being tied up." Arden whispered before disappearing into thin air.

A/N: only a few chapters left.

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