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Arden smiled to herself as she saw the familiar area that meant her home wasn't far. She was quite thankful considering she had said she would be home before dark and the sky seemed to be working against her, making the night sky fast approach.

Continuing to head in the direction of her home Arden was stopped when she heard a familiar voice call out for her and turned to see a running Seth Clearwater fast approaching.

"Hi Seth." Arden greeted with a warm smile while Seth stared at her for a moment with a shy smile on his face.

"H-hey Arden, how are you." Seth asked kindly and Arden inwardly sighed. It was a well known fact that the young shifter had a crush on the dying girl. In fact her uncle and Seths late father frequently pushed the relationship, in the hope it would go beyond the friend zone though Arden kept it strictly there. She had never seen Seth in any way other than friends.

"I'm doing well, you?" Arden asked the boy casually while toying with a piece of her hair.

"Yeah I just came from your place actually." Seth said, making the brunette look at the boy in confusion.

"Why?" Arden asked. Seth's eyes widened increasingly at her question.

"You haven't heard. Jacob ran away when he found Bella and Edwards wedding invitation." Seth informed, causing the brunette to sigh and pinch the bridge of her nose.

Arden actually quite liked the Cullen family and the feeling was quite mutual. All the siblings had been quite kind to the girl and she considered them friends. Bella on the other hand was a whole different story. They simply put up with each other because it was necessary, though the younger girl never liked Bella due to the fact she was leading her brother on and her entire personality bugged her, or lack there of.

"Thank you for telling me Seth I have to go." The young brunette said with a smile before walking away, leaving the werewolf boy to stare openly at her adoringly unaware that the girl he loved was thinking about a certain vampire king.

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