•Chapter 9: Broken•

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As we stand there and look out to the ocean, trying to think of a solution, my thoughts go to Katherine and how disappointed she'd be if Sam was late before I think about how long she could possibly survive one of Killian's interrogations.

"You need to go and get ready," I tell Sam.

"We need to figure this out first," he responds.

"I'm not going anywhere. Especially since you have my heart."

At the sound of my words, he looks to my heart in his hand before holds it out to me.

"You should have it," he says.

"I-I can't," I respond, trying to fight the temptation of taking it back.


"I'll have full control. There's no telling what I'd do. Who I'd hurt."


"I can't, Sam. Please keep it. Go get ready."

"We're going to get ready. You're coming, too."

"I don't know if that's smart."

"You're going."

I sigh before I teleport Sam and me to our motel room. There, Sam ushers me towards my closet and gestures for me to change. I send him a confused face before look downing at what I'm wearing now and find myself agreeing with him. I look like a ninja. I shuffle through my closet and changed into blue jeans, a white tank top, and a red hoodie.

"Are you sure I should go?" I ask as I turn to face him.

"Yes," he answers.

"But what if they don't want me there?"

"I'm sure everyone will want you there."


"You're going. That's final."

Before I can argue with him, he grabs my wrist and pulls me out the door before we head out to meet Katherine. As soon as she sees me, a look of shock forms on her face then fades before it's replaced with a smile. We then head out of Granny's and out to the street where the festival is taking place.

No matter how much everyone wants me to have fun, I can't stop thinking about how to break this. I want my family not to think I could hurt them at any moment. I want to be light again and to be the Purest Heart again.

But I know that's a lot to ask for someone who is getting what they deserved.


As I sat there looking at Harry's lifeless body as the pain in my chest grew, I heard rustling behind me and looked to Sam and Katherine coming to.

"What happened?" Sam gasped.

"He was going to kill you," I answered with tears in my eyes, "I needed to stop him."

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I screamed as the pain in my chest became too much before I looked in a puddle near me and saw my eyes beginning to turn from blue to pure black.

"What's wrong?!" Sam panicked.

"My heart," I whispered.

"What should we do?" Katherine questioned.

"Find Regina. I need her to take my heart."

"What?!" they exclaimed.

"I can't become fully dark if my heart isn't in my chest."

𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐃 ★ 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ⁵Where stories live. Discover now