Chapter Three

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I'm sleeping when my butt starts vibrating. I sit up and I pull my phone out, Zeke is calling me. I look at the time and I groan loudly, its six in the morning.

I answer my phone before standing up off the couch, "What do you want?"

"Where are you?" He sounds like he is on the street, "I've been looking for you for almost three hours."

"And you never thought to call me?" I ask walking over to my fridge before opening it up and grabbing the milk. I take a giant drink of it before putting it back.

"Shut up, where are you?" 

"My apartment?" I say walking into my bedroom. 

"Get back to the club now."

After that he just hung up. I sigh, I've barely gotten any sleep. I walk into my bathroom and I use it before walking back into my living room. I push my phone in my back pocket before exiting my apartment and walking down the stairs. 

No one is even awake at this time! What could Zeke possibly want at six in the morning?

I push open the front door and I step out onto the street. I rub my eyes before making my way down the street. Its kinda cold out but its a bit warm once I begin walking.

I pull open the doors to the pack house and I mentally groan. My brother is sitting at the bar about to drink something out of a bottle. I walk over and I pull it out of his hands.

"Hey brooo what wa that forrr!?" He asks turning around quickly. He sounds drunk.

I look at the bottle before turning around, "Who gave him alcohol?"

Everyone just looks at me but no one says anything. I pick Emery up by the arm roughly and I basically pull him out of the building and down the street.

I guess this is a good reason to wake me up.

I sigh and I pull out my phone before calling a taxi. Emery groans and almost vomits on me so I make him sit down on the ground until the taxi came.

I push him in the taxi when it comes before I climb in. I give the driver the address before rolling down Emery's window. Almost instantly Emery vomits so I gag.

Almost an hour later we out outside of my parents and my grandparents house. 

I open the door and I pull Emery out.

"I'll be back in about five mintues so keep the car running."

"Jas I don't want to gooo home." He says pulling against me so I pick him up and I throw him over my shoulder. Emery doesn't really weigh that much so picking him up is easy.

I walk up to the front door and I pull my set of keys out before unlocking the door. I walk past the living room and up the stairs. Emery groans and begins smacking my back.

My dad walks out of his room, "Uh kidnapping your brother are we?"

I sigh, "Emery here got drunk."

I bounce him on my shoulder before pulling open his bedroom door. I walk in and I throw him on the bed so he groans loudly. I look around and I shake my head, Emery got rid of all my stuff.

I pull the blanket on him, "Got to sleep Eme."

He groans, "Night Jas."

I walk out of the room and I close the door. My dad is leaning against the wall pretty angry.

"Why the fuck is your brother drunk?" 

I shrug, "I got a call a six in the morning from a friend and when I got to them he was wasted. I didn't get him drunk so don't even blame me."

My mom walks out with her eyebrow raised, "I thought I heard you."

I walk over and I hug her, "Happy early birthday mom."

She smiles, "We've missed you."

I let her go, "I got to go mom."

"Your not gonna say hi to me."

I turn around and I hug my little sister tightly, "Hey Sabrina."

Sabrina is about twelve years old and she has light blonde hair and light green eyes. She's a mix of my brother and I.

"I've got to go sweetie." I say letting her go. 

Her face drops and she walks into her room. We've always been close and recently we've drifted apart.

Almost two hours later I'm at home asleep in my bed.

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