Chapter Ten

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I groan waking up, my wrist really hurts. I wish I healed like other wolves. My mom told me that since she was a human before some parts of me are most likely human. 

Jada goes to walk past me but when she sees that I'm awake she smiles and sits down next to me, "Do you want to go out and get breakfast?"

"I don't have any money..."

She shrugs, "I'll pay for your meal and some day you can pay me back."

Wow she is really nice.

I smile, "Sure lets go to breakfast together."

I stand up and I fix my splint before looking at Jada. She's wearing a blue sun dress with thin straps that goes to about an inch above her knee, black sandals, and her hair is put up in ponytails.

"You know, you look beautiful." I say running my hand through my ratted hair.

Jada blushes and looks down before grabbing her purse off the coffee table in front of me. Its black and it has a long silver chain handle.

"Well lets get going." She says smiling.

I follow her out of the house and down the street to a local diner. Its nice how warm Kansas is, it kinda sucks I'm wearing skinny jeans.

We take a seat at one of the booths near the window and we begin chatting.

"What's your favorite color because I feel like you're a blue kinda guy." She says looking through the menu even though she's probably knows that menu like the back of her hand, pretty much everyone greeted her on the way in.

I laugh, "Blue is definitely my favorite color. I'm guessing your favorite color is hot pink."

She giggles and closes her menu, "Correct. How did you know?"

"Your nails and toe tails are painted hot pink." I say closing my menu.

She messes with a packet of sugar until the waiter comes and takes our order.

"Hello Jada and Jada's friend, what will you two love birds like to eat this fine morning?"

 Jada giggles, "We're not dating Miss Lue but I would like my usual."

She's blushing so hard.

Miss Lue turns to me, "Sorry sweetie, what would you like?"

I smile, "Its's fine and I would like some chicken strips and some cubed hash browns."

Miss Lue nods, "Anything to drink honey?"

I shake my head, "No thank you Ma'ma, that will be all for me."

She smiles and walks off.

"You are so polite!" Jada says smiling, "Most guys at my school are jerks."

"I guess my mom taught me well." I say smiling

She nods, "I wish you could stay, I don't have many friends and you're just so nice."

I shrug, "If you want I could stay."

Her eyes light up as soon as those words leave my mouth.

"Your mom won't mind?" She asks raising her eyebrow.

I shake my head, "I already live alone."

She begins grinning from ear to ear, "You would leave everyone and everything behind for someone you just met in an alley yesterday."

I nod, "Yes I would but only for you."

I don't feel anything romantic for Jada. I think I have more of a sibling feeling for her. I just want to protect her.

"Can I ask you something?"

I nod, "Sure ask away."

As soon as those words leave my mouth the waitress sets our food down on the table before leaving. Jada got a fruit bowl, hash browns, and orange juice.

"Can you move in with me?" Jada asks looking down.

"You want me to move in with you?"

This is going way to fast

She begins blushing, "I know we just met but I don't want you to get a new apartment and I have the entire house to myself..."

I shrug, "Sure why not."

As soon as I move in she might kill me and eat my body but I need a new environment and Jada is so nice and caring.

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