Chapter Eleven

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After eating and watching a movie at a nearby cinema Jada and I walk back to her home. Well I guess my house? Its still sounds funny to say.

I pull open the door and I let her walk in before I walk in closing the door behind me. She smiles and grabs my hand before dragging me to a room near hers. She pulls open the door and drags me inside. Even though she's a cute girl I don't think she has many friends.

The walls are pale purple and the roof is jet black. There's a window on the opposite wall and a closet on the wall next to the window. 

"This can be your room!" She says giggling.

I laugh, "Nice room."

"Sorry about the purple walls we can repaint it if you want." She says letting my hand go.

I shake my head, "No its fine, purple is a interesting color."

"Can I ask you something?" 

I turn and face her, "You can ask me anything anytime."

"Can I go with you when you go and pack your stuff?"

She looks like a lost puppy dog who wants a meaty stake.

"Of course." 

I don't know why but when I'm around her I don't feel the need to be violent.

Shes grins ear to ear, "When are we gonna go?!"

I shrug, "Whenever is fine by me."

"We should go now." She says running out of the room and into hers.

I follow into her room, "Like now now?"

She nods, "We can go get a taxi and then when we get near your place we can rent a U-Haul."

I laugh, "I guess you have this all figured out."

She nods, "We can be there in like four hours."

She pulls a bag out from under her bed and she grabs her purse before pulling her phone out and calling a taxi. 

Now that I think about it I think its best I move. I did insult Zeke in front of his gang. I almost laugh thinking about it.

When the taxi comes Jada and I climb in. I really wish she was a wolf, she's perfect. 

Almost five hours later Jada and I are outside of my apartment with a U-Haul. We walk up the stairs and I stop when I see Zach messing with my door handle.

"Zach?" I ask walking over to him with Jada behind me.

He jumps and turns around, "Oh my god Jasper I thought you were dead!"

I shrug, "I barley know you, why do you care so much?"

He smacks me hard, "You're a fucking idiot I'm your mate!"

I turn and I look at Jada before turning and looking at Zach, "I'm not your mate."

I push past him and I unlock my door before walking in my apartment with Jada following. Zach goes to walk in but I shut the door in his face.

I turn to Jada, "Sorry about that, Zach is a bit confused."

She shrugs, "I've had plenty of crazy people in my life. He's nothing."

I laugh, "I guess we better start packing."

Jada and I begin throwing my stuff in the boxes we bought when we rented the U-Haul. Almost six hours later my entire apartment is packed so we begin carrying the boxes out.

Almost an hour later all my boxes are packed in the back of the U-Haul. I go back up stairs and I look around once more to see if I left anything.

I quickly run out of the apartment and down the stairs to see Zeke holding Jada by her hair.

He has a psychotic look on his face and he's laughing.

"You know she is quite pretty." He says getting close to her ear before whispering something in it.

Jada begins crying.

"Let her go or I'll kill you Ezekiel." I say clenching my good fist.

Zeke is the kind of person who doesn't care about people seeing him kill someone. He truly is psychotic.

He whispers something else in her ear before letting her go and walking away. I quickly run up to her and I hold her in my arms. She doesn't quit sobbing until I kiss her on her forehead. 

All this in such a short time. Will it ever end?

She rubs her eyes, "Lots of fun people you hang around."


Jada is pronounced like J-Aye-Duh

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