~What am I to you~

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Warnings: set in first class so if you haven't seen it there's some spoilers.
shapeshifter reader

You were sitting with raven, sipping your glass of brandy as she was eyeing off Charles.
"Hey, what's up?" You look in the direction she was looking and saw Charles approaching another woman.
"Wow, that's 4 in one night, he's on a roll." You said as you looked down into your glass.
"Oh don't pretend your not annoyed by this y/n." Raven huffed.
"Why would I be?" You sip your brandy again smirking.
"What's he talking about?" She whispered to you.
You have exceptional hearing as an adaptation to your mutation.
You sigh and obey her wish.
"It's the heterochromia gig again, oh and he just read her mind to get her, her favourite drink, typical." You scoffed and downed the rest of your glass.
"My name is Xavier. Charles Xavier. How do you do?" You mimicked him and raven smiled a bit, but then turned back to Charles.
"It's a mutation. It's a very groovy mutation. The hell is he on tonight, groovy, like cmon. She's not falling for it." You laughed, raven didn't budge
"Mutation took us from single-celled organisms to being the dominant form of reproductive life on this planet. Infinite forms of variation with each generation, all though mutation." Charles said and both you and raven overheard.
"Aaaand there's his main pick up line." You rolled your eyes and saw raven picking up her things "raven!? What the-" you pick up your bag and follow her.
"Mutant and proud." The girl raised her glass to Charles'
"Chin-chin. Hey." He responded with a clink of a glass and looked to both of you.
"Hey." You said putting your hands on your hips.
"I guess I have to buy my own drink." Raven sarcastically said with a shrug of her shoulders.
"I'm sorry. One cola." Charles smiled and called the bartender.
"Charles here was just telling me that I'm like one of the first sea creatures that grew legs." She said to both of you, then gave a flirty little smile back to Charles.
"A tiny bit sexier." He smirked
"Such a shame she didn't grow a brain." You mumbled.
"I'm sorry. This is my sister, raven and my- her... friend." He quickly said pointing to you both.
"Hi." Raven put on a fake smile and stuck her hand out.
"Amy. And what do you study?"
they shook hands as you prepared to also.
You shifted slight scales over your hand and a little bit of webbing between your fingers and made your eyes shift colours aswell, mimicking heterochromia.
"Waitressing." Raven bluntly said doing the same as you making her eye turn yellow.
The woman shook your hand and was a little shocked
"Oh my.. your hand is that a scar?" She looked at you with concern.
"Mm yes, I was born with it though same as this." You brush away your hair from your face and reveal your eye and so does raven
"Oh, look, you both have heterochromia, too. Isn't that bizarre?"  She smiled at you both.
"I'm sorry what?" Charles said confused.
"Look at their eyes." She smiled so dumbly it could've made you gag
"Right. Raven, y/n, get your coats please." Charles slapped down some money, obviously annoyed and you all walked out of the bar.

"Don't talk to me. You did that on purpose. BOTH of you.
"I did not!" Raven insisted
"Yes, you did!" Charles said walking ahead of you both.
"Why would we do that on purpose?" You smile catching up.
"You know I can't control it sometimes, if I'm stressed or tired."
Raven kept explaining.
"Yeah, same. you know this Xavier."
You butted in saving your own arse.
"Well you both seem to be doing a perfectly good job right now." Charles said in a mocking tone.
"Mutant and proud." Raven mimicked Amy from the bar.
Charles let out a high pitched "what?" And you smirked.
"Or is it only with the pretty mutations, or the invisible ones like yours? But if your a freak, you better hide." Raven said obviously blowing out steam.
"Run for the hills never show your face again. You don't realise how hard it is for us Charles." You blew a piece of hair out of your face walking beside Charles.
"You're being ridiculous. Look I don't mean to sound like an old fart." Charles said stopping you both
"Which you are." You and raven spoke at the same time.
"Sometimes, but we've talked about this raven. A small slip-up is one thing. A big one does not bear thinking about." He said and raven just stopped fighting back.
"Oh, come on we gotta get home." You rolled your eyes and pulled Charles and raven along.
"But one more thing. You consider raven your sister but me.. just her friend huh? What the hell was that Charles." You glare at him and he looked past you, to raven.
"Oh, don't look at me, you said it."
She crossed her arms and gave a little chuckle.
"I, I don't want to talk about this anymore." Charles walked off and raven followed.
"The hell with it then, I'll just leave if I'm not important to you." You yelled with your arms up in the air and then crossed them and stood in the middle of heaps of people passing by.
Charles groaned and came back grabbing your arm and dragging you along.
"Stop being so childish y/n."
"She's your sister and I've lived with your since she has, that's like 18 years Charles. What's different about me?" You grumble and raven just shrugs her shoulders. Charles stared at you and goes to say something, but shakes his head. "What am I to you?" You said staring up at him.
"Nothing's different. I was just on the spot, I'm sorry, now can we please get home?" You rolled your eyes in response and let Charles pull you along.

Later the 3 of you were in Charles' study.
you just got out of the shower and wrapped your bath robe around you and walked in.
"Would you date me?" Raven bluntly asked Charles.
"Ofcourse I would, any young man would be lucky to have you. You are stunning." Charles said as he kept writing down notes.
"Like this?" She said and you could detect the sadness in her voice.
Charles stuttered and looked up
"Blue? Your my oldest friend."
He said. "I'm your only friend." She retaliated.
"Yeah, cause apparently I'm just here, you know, Charles." You scoffed again and leant on the door.
"You are my friend y/n, thank you for that." Charles said.
"Well?" Raven gestured to herself and Charles just shook his head.
"Im incapable of thinking of you that way, I feel responsible for you. Anything else would just feel.. wrong. " Charles walked past raven and sat on the couch.
"But what if you didn't know me?" She asked.
"Unfortunately, I do know you." He said as he opened his book.
"What about me Charles, would you date me?" You said and walked in front of him.
"I, god I don't know what's gotten into you two lately. You're awfully concerned with your looks." He said as he tucked a pen behind his ear.
Raven rolled her eyes and sat down and leaned on Charles.
"I'm sleepy, will you read to me?" Raven said resting her head on Charles' chest.
"I can't. I have my thesis coming up, I have to study." He said adjusting the book.
"Well fine read that, you thesis always sends me right off." Raven said as she closed her eyes. Then Charles started reading.
"To homo neanderthalensis, his mutant cousin, Homo sapiens, was an aberration. Peaceful cohabitation, if ever it existed, was short-lived. Records show, without exception, that the arrival of the mutated human species in any region was followed by immediate extinction of their less evolved kin."
Charles kept reading as you got up and placed a kiss on ravens forehead and a kiss to Charles's temple "I love you, even though your a complete dick sometimes." You smile and pat his shoulder.
He stops and looks up at you "I, I'm... goodnight y/n." He stutters a bit but recovered and continued reading.

A/n might continue this one... make it interesting😏😏😏
I'm not sure
Pretty sure I am, I can't just leave it like this.
Hope you guys like it.

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