Its not a convention

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Request Anonymous
Warnings: coarse language, astrology mentions.

"What are you doing? Going to one of your geek conventions." You said annoyed.
"You come to the conventions too." He smirked fixing up his bow tie.
"Yeah but, I'm normal, you guys are way weird. Sci fi and inter planet species freaks."
"And your a forensic anthropologist." He said turning around to face you. You cringed at his words.
"Eh, I prefer, consulting physical anthropology expert, slash archeologist slash doctor. Oh and a bit of an entomologist on the side." You said impressed with yourself.
Charles just stared at you blankly.
"I can hardly call that normal." He mumbled.
Your face dropped.
"What do you mean?" You asked and he chuckled.
"You look at dead things all day." He combed his hair back and looked at you through the mirror.
"And you look at living things all day." You scoffed.
"No matter what you prefer to be called, the briefing for what you do is
Forensic anthropology." He said as he slipped on his suit jacket.
"Eh, I study and Identify human remains and I analyse their living environment-"
"That's forensic anthropology." Charles interrupted.
"And all those other things.." you added.
"You do stuff on the side." Charles rolled his eyes.
"Fine! Anyway these conventions."
"There not conventions." He sang.
"-Are for people like, psychologists and astrophysicists, cosmologists.
Like, I know your study is real and has important meaning in the world, theirs... eh..." you sighed trying to explain to him.
"Their science does have meaning." Charles stopped his fiddling and sat in front of you listening.
"Yes and no, I just don't see why they come to.. meetings like these."
"I'm sure they say the same things about you." He chuckled.
"Last time I met an Oologist, come on Charles an oologist, why do they exist?" You flopped your arms about in confusion.
"It's important to know animal eggs?" He questioned his words.
"It's not just animal eggs Charles, it's the science of collecting birds eggs."
"Well maybe you'll meet an interesting person." He tried to re assure you but failed.
"Just put this on and it'll be over before you know it."
He threw you a dress and you held it up.

You looked to Charles and he couldn't help but laugh

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You looked to Charles and he couldn't help but laugh.
"What? It'll go with the atmosphere."
"You do that again, I'm gonna kill you." You threatened taking the dress into the bathroom.
"You love me." He called out.
"No i don't."
You zipped the dress up yourself and walked out crankily.
"You look stunning."
"I hate you." You said bluntly walking over to your clutch and heels.
"You ready y/n?" Charles asked holding out his arm for you.
"Unfortunately." You grumbled walking with him.
You arrived at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
You didn't really see why it wasn't at an observatory but you know at least there will be something interesting, hopefully.
'Remember to be nice.'
Charles said and you brushed it off.
You were greeted by many. Being the girlfriend of the renowned Charles Xavier, had its perks.
The night slowly passed you avoided many conversations and many people, until dinner.
Tables were set up in a major hall next to amazing artefacts and remains. 
But a problem. Tables had to be filled with 6-7 people.
Charles spotted you over the crowd and yanked you over next to a table with an amazing mummified Egyptian pharaoh
'I picked it just for you'
You rolled your eyes smiling sitting down.
Five people approached your table and you were internally screaming.
Charles introduced you but you ignored his words.
The starter was brought out and set infront of you
Spiced parsnip and cauliflower soup and poached and smoked salmon pâté with bagel toast.
Rich people
You looked at the starter with disgust and poked your food around not eating a bite.
"So ms L/n?" Someone spoke and you looked up.
"Doctor L/n." You corrected sipping your wine.
"Im professor Rhoal, Charles has been talking about you all night, it's a pleasure to meet you."
"I can imagine." You smiled and Charles choked on his wine.
"What are your professions?" You asked as politely as you could muster.
You glared at Charles and he shrugged his shoulders.
"Well this should be an interesting night." You smiled.
Your main course was brought out not to long after.
Chicken with rosemary wine sauce, Greek lentil and white bean soup with olives, chilli and bread.
You still looked disgusted at your meal.
"Ah, the infamous, Charles Xavier, I was in business with your father. It's so good to see you here tonight.
With this beautiful woman." The man took your hand and kissed it.
"I'm the co organiser of this exhibition, Dr frank oldridge."
"A real doctor?." You mumbled
"So who do we have tonight." He asked not hearing your comment.
"Professor of genetic mutation." Charles said proudly raising his glass.
"Astrophysicist." The woman across from you raised her glass as well. 
You rolled your eyes.
"Petrologist with a lithology major." The man next to you spoke and you were confused.
'What the hell is a petrologist?'
'I think it's studying rocks or something'
'Why the fuck am I here.'
"And you madam?" Everyone leant forward wanting to know.
You hesitated.
"Forensic anthropologist." You spoke nice and clear and everyone looked at you in disgust.
"I knew she was a Anthropologist! I told you Garry she spoke like an anthropologist!" The woman practically yelled pointing to you.
"Says the astrophysicist."
"Garry did you here what she said!"
The woman fluttered her arms about for no reason.
"She called you what you are?" He questioned and the woman slapped him.
"I will not sit here and eat at the same table as a FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGIST!" The woman yelled again standing up.
"Then don't." Charles laughed the woman rushed off and everyone was left in an awkward silence.
"What do you have against astrology?" The man next to you asked.
"It requires you to relinquish rational thought." You said simply snapping a bread stick in two.
"You know it's been proven that the world and time did in fact have a beginning." The psychologist tried to reason.
"But the study.. theory hasn't surpassed-"
"Hasn't surpassed your ideology."
The man chuckled eating his meal.
Charles stopped, slowly looking to you terrified.
"I think that's enough talk for tonight." Charles laughed nervously.
"Well at least my name has doctor infront of it." You poured yourself another glass of wine.
"It's not a made up science." The man persisted.
"It may as well be." You said as Charles pulled you up from your seat.
"You are so disrespectful!" The astrologist yelled standing up, getting right in our face.
"Disrespectful of what your made up theory!" You spat out, the man went to take a swing at you but you dodged his punch and he went straight into the glass cabinet behind you.
"Destroying museum property now, Garry. Along with trying to assault my girlfriend, disrupting the integrity of the historical remains is just."
"Fucking unacceptable! Do you know how old that mummy is!" You brushed the glass off you carefully and Charles pulled you into his arms.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled into your hair.
"Don't be, this was fun.
Besides he's the one who's gonna get arrested." You giggled.
"You bad girl."
"You know it." You pulled Charles down for a passionate kiss while everyone in the dinning hall was staring.
"I love you."  Charles had a tight grip on your waist and pulled you closer to him.
"Let's go home and you can show me how much you love me." You pulled him all the way outside and to your awaiting limo.
You looked up to the stars and Charles chuckled
"I think the stars are telling me to kiss you." He caressed you face.
"Bullshit." He laughed and opened he car door.
"But i'd like you to anyway." You smirked and he kissed you under the star lit night.

A/n: i hope this is what you were after. I really enjoyed this idea thank you so much sorry it's taken so long.

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