Other half

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Warnings: mentions of death, drowning, ghosts.
Reader's a twin

"5 days ago we lost a great student, a brother, a son, a father and above all a dear friend that we were all close too.
Now miss L/n for some last words."
Charles said and hank helped you to the stand.
You looked out at the hundreds of people looking at you.
Some friends, some enemies, family.. then your eyes rested on your brothers fiancé, caressing her pregnant belly.
Anxiety and sadness built up both of them hitting you like an emotional bombshell.
"I... i.." you struggled to speak.
He was your brother.
You looked to Charles and he gestured to go on.
You went to speak again but your lips started to tremble.
"I can't!" You bursted into tears as you ran across the courtyard and into the woods.
Many tried to follow but you were too fast.

You ran to the river where he was found, you saw the river ahead but your legs wouldn't stop so your forced yourself to the ground scraping your knees against the riverbed.
You started to cry uncontrollably,
Hitting the rough wet ground in anger.
You saw a reddish colour start to appear in the clear water when you lifted your hands to see that they were covered in blood.
You Brought them to your chest then washed them off and sat yourself comfortably down in the water.

The river flowing sounded like a song to your ears.
Yours and your brothers song.
Why was he found near the river,
Why did he have to leave you.
"You were always there to protect me, now I'm all alone." You whispered cradling yourself.
You felt a presence so you turned around. You saw nothing but, you felt it again on your shoulder.
"Archie!" you screamed falling back into the rivers rushing water, gravity sucking you down to the bottom.

You sunk to the bottom and Archie appeared beside you.
You pulled him into your embrace and breathed in. water filled your lungs but you weren't feeling the need to choke or gasp for air.
"Y/n, why are you doing this to yourself." He said clearly which confused you.
"What?" You asked
"Don't try to fool me, have you forgotten who I am." He smiled and you shook your head
"My twin.. my other half." You mumbled.
"We don't have much time, breathe" he said looking up to the surface.
"No no no, take me Jason." You hugged him.
"Stop going on with this nonsense." He pleaded.
"Take me. I'm all alone." You cried
"I can't."
"I'm in too much pain." You pulled him closer to hug him but he brought your forehead to his.
"Your not alone, you have people that love you."
"I loved you! Why did you have to leave!" You cried again.
"Y/n you have to breath." He whispered to you.
"What?" You asked
"You have to breath! I love you.."

"Breath y/n!
Y/n! Y/n! Are you okay oh my god
Y/n! Breath!" Charles yelled and pressed on your chest and you coughed up a shit load of water.
"Y/n what the hell were you thinking."
"I just wanted him back.." you cried and Charles pulled you into his chest.
"Hey.. its gonna be okay, you have me here, always." He said calmly
"You've always been there, ever since we were kids." You choked out. Charles just held you on the riverbank.
"Shh now."
"You jumped into the river to save me?" You looked up to his dripping wet face.
"Of course." He kissed your forehead.
"Even though you could've drowned."
"I guess but, anythings worth dying for if it's for you." He squeezed you tighter
"Stop being so.. I can't think of the word, but stop." You said and let out a laugh. 
"I promised your brother I would take care of you, he left a note actually, it was a little threatening." He chuckled and it made you smile.
You relaxed in his arms, the song of the river calmed your soul and body.
Your mind went through years and years of memories. When you, Archie and Charles were young kids.
Playing in the backyard, discovering your mutations, first dates, prom. Only happy memories were filling your mind, a technique Charles taught you.
'Stop thinking so loud'
'Stop rummaging trough my mind then'
'Well if you weren't thinking so loud I wouldn't have to'
"Excuses." You scoffed
"Come on let's get up and get you back." He said rubbing your back.
"I'll get your wheelchair." You dusted yourself off and brought it upright and helped him up into it.
"I think I love you." You sighed.
"This isn't just because I saved your life is it?" He teased and you just kissed him on the cheek.
You went back along the path and back to the manor.
You and Charles were drenched, it was only now that you realised.
Everyone was looking at you questioningly.
Then, your brothers fiancé approached you. Her eyes filled with even more sadness when she saw you.
"It's been a rough week, i know how much you loved your brother. I'm so sorry for you, y/n." She took your hands and gripped them.
"I don't want sympathy." You said as you took your hands back.
"I loved him as well, I understand-
"He wasn't just a brother, he was my other half, my twin, I'm sorry but, you can't understand how hard that is. Now you better get inside, we don't want you or the babies getting sick." You sniffed and Charles held your hand tight and She walked away caressing her belly.
"You've got a point."
You looked to Charles confused
"It's quite cold out here."

Later on sitting next to the crackling fire in yours and Charles' room.

"I'm not looking to replace him but, I could try to smooth over that other half." He handed you a glass of wine and you gladly took it.
"I have to admit if anyone had to fill the hole that Archie left, he would be happy that it was you."
You smiled and helped him out of his chair and rested on his shoulder.
"I know this probably isn't the best time to tell you but, he knew he was going to his death.." he looked down avoiding your eyes.
"I know.. I could tell."
"He left a note for you."
"I don't wanna read it now.." you sighed and Charles knew what you meant.
Charles recited the note for you, you cried but, Charles held you tight and you made it through.

A/N: okay I was in a really bad mood when I wrote this. I cried when I read it and I had to continue it, you can kinda tell where I re started it cause I was in a good mood when I started to re write it.

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