Thats married life

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Dedicated to @LinhCinder98
Warnings: none

You knocked on Charles' door and waited outside, watching the children run by to their next class.
"It's open." Charles called out to you and you walked in.
"I'm really busy, y/n. What is it?" He said looking up from some papers.
"I just wanted to see you." You gently closed the door and walked over to the desk.
"Why? We see each other all the time." He said and went back to writing out notes.
"Actually we don't, your always in here. Day in and day out.
You don't even sleep in our room anymore, you just stay down here."
You reached for his shoulder but he pulled away.
"Y/n, you know how important my work is to me." He said as he reached for more papers.
"This is so annoying." You said frustrated.
"That's married life."
"It really isn't Charles." You growled at his response.
"I'm really busy, could you please leave me to my work." He asked in his fake polite voice.
But you weren't buying it.
"Why don't we do something together, when your not busy. Like we used to."
Charles didn't even look up at you.
"I've got important stuff to deal with right now, maybe some other time." He said brushing you off and gesturing towards the door.
"I guess your work is more important than your wife." You mumbled and stormed out the door.
You decided to teach some classes and try Charles later.
You were walking through the main entrance hall, when you saw a woman with bright blond hair, excessive plastic surgery, skimpy clothing and a young boy by her side.
'Remember be polite.' You muttered to yourself as you approached the woman.
"Hi, I'm mrs Xa-
"I'm here for Charles Xavier." The woman rudely interrupted.
"Well I'm mrs Xa-
"I would like to actually talk to someone like me thanks, not someone who doesn't understand."
She interrupted again flipping her hair.
"I beg your pardon?" You said taken aback.
"You know exactly what I mean." She glared at you and pulled her boy behind her.
"No, I actually don't." You insisted and the woman just laughed.
"That would make sense."
She scoffed pulling out a mirror and touching up her makeup.
"What, that you've had too much plastic surgery that you can't even see your own face, or be polite to someone." You crossed your arms and glared back at her.
"Do they have kennels here?" She asked looking around the place.
"Why, do you have a dog?" You asked.
"No, but it would be a handy place to keep you bitches." She smiled. The woman closed her eyes and raised her fingers to her temple.
'Telepath, great.'
"Yes I am, now I'll be seeing Charles." She said with her nose up in the air.
"That's professor X to you." Anger was boiling inside you.
"It won't be for long." She smiled again leading her boy down the hall.
"Mommy, stop being so mean."
"Shut up rat, you'll ruin mommy's fun!" She hit the boy over the head and you couldn't help but feel sad for him.
You took the long way round to Charles' office so she wouldn't suspect that you were following them, for a telepath she's really quite stupid.

You opened the secret door to Charles' office and made sure to use the trick he taught you to block your thoughts from telepaths prying minds.
"I can offer you, some real fun.. Charlie." The woman pulled her shirt down a little to reveal her overly large plastic breasts.
"I'm married, Ms Montgomery." Charles went to speak to the child but the blonde cut him off.
"So?" She leaned over his desk and you decided this was enough.
"I really don't think this is appropriate conversation, especially when placing a child in schooling." You piped up stepping into the room.
"I thought I asked for us to be alone."  the woman squealed in protest.
"This is my wife, Doctor Y/n Xavier she-"
"Yes well, I'm not sure that this school is right for my boy." She pulled up her top and grabbed her mirror topping up her makeup once more.
"Why?" Charles looked confused
"I thought this was an all mutant school." She snapped.
"It is.." He said slowly
"Then why is she here!" The woman yelled at you.
"My wife may not be a mutant but she does so much for the school and-
"I'll be reconsidering this school for my son, though if you'd like to discuss business with me, Charles. Here's my card." She slipped the card out of her breasts quite seductively and she grabbed her sons hand and sheilded his eyes away from you, then stormed out.
"Well she was rude." You said as you straightened up the chairs in front of Charles' desk.
"No, she was just concerned that's all." He shrugged.
"What do you mean by that?" You waited for Charles answer.
"Sometimes it's not easy for a mutant to trust a human such as yourself." He stuttered out.
"What I'm not good enough!" You screamed at him and he just looked down.
"I think you need some rest. I'll call hank." He said and you shook your head, walking out of the office.
You slept alone, again.

~The next day~

The blonde appeared once again
"What are you here now for, ms Montgomery?"
"I'm here to see both you and Charles, I have a meeting this time."
"Oh very clever." You mumbled but she didn't here,
"I apologise for my behaviour, we mutants can't be too careful these days with your kind." She smiled a perfect fake smile.
'Just say it's completely understandable.'
"It's completely understandable." You said through gritted teeth.
Charles appeared and stopped beside you.
"I'd like to enrol my son, if I could." She smiled that fake smile of hers.
"Of course, we would be thrilled to have your son participate in our program." Charles shook her hand and the boys.
"I'll get his room ready." You rolled your eyes and took the stairs up to the available rooms.
After you cleared and set up a room, you went to see Charles.
You knocked on the door but there was no answer. You walked in anyway and saw that there was no one inside.
You looked out the window and saw Charles, Ms Montgomery and her son. They were talking and laughing with some other teachers and students.
The woman leaned on Charles, snaking her hands all over him, it looked like they were the ones married,
'maybe she would be better for him, she's a mutant after all.. and I'm just boring'
She sat there with him laughing while you looked out from the window.
You shut the curtains and sat on the floor, tears threatened to spill but you held them back.
You heard footsteps outside the door and regained your composure.
"Ms Montgomery your sons room is ready, for whenever he's ready." You sniffed.
"Thank you Ms y/n." She said ignoring yet again that you were Charles' wife.
"That's Mrs Xavier." You said and gave Charles a look.
"Ms Montgomery, it's been a pleasure." Charles shook her hand and she walked out with her son.
"See, she's quite nice." Charles said shrugging his shoulders.
"I don't think she is." Your tone caused him to adjust his position.
"What's your problem y/n your awfully..moody lately, your also quite dull and disconnected." He said bluntly.
"What am I not good enough for you Charles!" You yelled again.
"I'm not saying that."
"Oh, so I'm not! Great why'd you marry me Charles!" You yelled trying to stop the tears from falling.
"You want to be with one of your kind, hanging out with those freaks!" You froze at your own voice and immediately realised what you said
"Freaks huh?" Charles piled some books into his lap and spun his wheel chair around you.
"No Charles I-"
"I think you did." He said exiting the room and you stood there in silence.
You walked over to the door and shut it. You slid down the dark wood, soft warm tears fall streaking your face. 
Maybe you weren't good enough, maybe she would be better for him.
Maybe this dance is gonna be the last.
There are always two sides to a story, but sometimes someone can't see the other side
No one can know what your feeling unless you tell them.

You made your way up to your room and found Charles sitting on the bed, finishing up some work.
"Charles?" You sniffed
"I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologising, I was the one that said all those things" you grabbed some tissues and started to dry your eyes.
"Yes but, I've never realised how hard it must be for you."
"What?" You asked confused
"Thinking that your not good enough, being around strange people with exotic mutations. Then you sitting there, the extra ordinary being."
You put your head down as you sat on the bed.
"Y/n, you do realise if you put the extra and ordinary together you get extraordinary which is very unusual and remarkable." He took your hand in his.
"But I'm boring to you."
"Y/n." He said grabbing your face.
"Your not boring, your one of the most beautiful and interesting creatures I've ever known. The kids love you, our family loves you. I love you. Don't you ever doubt that."
His words stripped all your doubts away and left you bare and emotional.
You cried into his chest and he lent back and laid down with you
"Your the reason why I love your kind." He said stroking your hair.
"I know you hate me reading your mind but, how am I meant to know how your feeling unless you tell me." He gently kissed your forehead.
"I.. I know." You nuzzled your head into Charles' neck.
"It's gonna be different now I promise, love."
"You know I love the way you say love." You smirked.
"I know you do, love"
"Stop being a smart ass!" You said whacking him in the chest.

A/n: hope this was good enough.

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