chapter 2

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It was a long wait to hawaii, or as damian like to call it 'hawee-wee'

Damian was just getting off the plane, when he felt his phone buzz. He pulled it out and saw it was his mum. He swallowed hard and picked up. "Hello mother!" He said in a chirpy voice.

Talia, damians mother smiled from the other end of the line. "Hello damian, how much longer until you get here?" She asked.

Damian looked up at bruce who was listening '5 minuites' he mouthed and started to walk with his suitcase.
"Five minuites!" He said and grabbed his bag. "Alright! See you then." She hung up, damian sighed a little and put his phone back, dragging his suitcase along behind him.

A couple of tourists took their bags and showed them to their temporary home. Talia stood there, awaiting the two boy's, sitting on a deck seat, drinking tea and staring off into the sunset.

Her hair lightly flowing in the wind, a long purple dress covering her body, the same dress she wore when she handed damian over to bruce.

It was like something you would see in a crappy romance movie, with that romantic piano music, and two people that would make the perfect match. "I'm going upstairs" bruce said looking at damian, who nodded and went to his room that seemed to give him the veiw of hawaii's beach, as well as a deck floor.

He went across the halleway and saw bruce with talia, both smiling and hugging. He slightly cringed and turned around going back to his room.

"Where's damian?" She asked looking up into bruce's eyes and tilting her head a bit.
"He must be in his room unpacking" she nodded sliding her hand down his arm gently. "Im worried about him, he didn't sound right when i called him" she said softly looking up into his eye's.

"He has been like that since... well since dick left?" She thought for a second. "Are you sure it wasn't because dick left that he went qiet? I mean... he always needed a big brother figure too" she said actually making bruce think for a moment.

Damian was at the door again. "No  i hated dick, im glad he left" damian said from the doorway Talia looked slightly suprised, then sighed looking down sadly for a second then smiling up at damian brightly. "Hello damian" damian forced a smile and hugged her. "Greetings mother"

Bruce smiled gently stuffing his hands into his pockets and looking at the two, then turning his head to look at the sunset.

"What would you like to do?" Damian thought, all he ever did with her was training, so of course that was the first thing he was bound to say. "Practice?"

She nodded "good thing i brought our practice katanas." Damian smiled and walked outside to the oversized back deck and waited for her.

She changed into her training clothing and came out with the two wooden katanas. She handed one to damian while bruce walked out to them.

As she went to walk away she noticed the hoodie. "What's up with this?" She asked pinching it. " cold." She raised her head and nodded. "Alright well..." she walked away, then suddenly turning around attacking damian instantly used self defence and fought back.

Eventually he slipped up and his jumper was practically torn off his body, allowing bruce and talia to see the bandage that went from his elbow down to his wrist.

"Damian, would you care to explain this?" Bruce walked up close and grabbed his wrist making him whince.

"let go." Damian said deeply, as bruce attempted to untie the end of it, damian went to kick him on the side of the knee.

However bruce was quick enough to grab his foot and flip him, smacking him on the ground, leaving damian in pain. Talia back handed bruce and knelt down with damian, about to rest her hand on his shoulder he slapped it away and stood up running to his room.

He slammed his bedroom door and changed quickly, also changing his bandage st the same time and curling up in bed.

"You didn't need to attack him bruce" she said looking up at him sternly. Bruce groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, looking down with his eyes closed. "The kid needs to learn some respect, and it wasn't an attack."

"How do you expect him to learn respect when your doing that to him! your his father and probably his only role model right now, you need to show him the right way to act."

"Your right, i should show him these things, but you brought him up like this talia! you trained him to fight at the age of two" she slightly stomped her foot and looked up at him. "I did what i should have, he didn't grow up in the big city like you."

It was a short silence before bruce turned around "im going to get dinner"  talia groaned and headed to damians room and knocked on the door. "Damian honey..."

"Go away!" He said sinking further into the blankets after hearing their words. She shook her head and walked in sitting on the bed next to him.

Damian laid there, holding onto dicks shirt tightly, while the shard of glass stayed under the other clothing in a drawer. "Damian, li-"

"Don't blame it on yourself mum... i chose to attack him first, attacking people is all i seem to be able to do..." he whispered.

"No... your father was right, all i ever did was train your every day, i never bothered to sit down and just... spend time with you." He hugged the shirt closer and didn't talk. "Who's shirt is this, it looks a little big for you?" She said picking it up, only to have it pulled back into his arms. "It was dicks..." he whispered looking down, his scent instantly hitting him again.

"Do you miss him?" She asked softly, playing with his hair. "Yeah....but dont tell father please!" He said looking up at her in slight fear.
She chuckled. "I won't. But does dick know you have this?" Damian shook his head looking back down.

She nodded laying down with him and holding him in a tight hug.

Dinner was silent, nobody spoke, looked up or even moved. Damian didn't even touch his food. he just stared off into the distance sadly,
Yet again thinking about dick

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