chapter 7

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The next morning everybody was unusually groggy. Apart from Alfred that was.

Damian stood up from bed and walked downstairs being infested with goosebumps while everyone else tried to stay warm.

He walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, cracking it open and turning around, seeing everyone look at him shocked. "What?" He asked taking it away from his lips.

"How are you not cold?" Dick said squinting his eyes. "Um... Because I just got out of bed so I'm still warm..."
Tahlia chuckled and took a sip of her coffee.

Bruce rolled his eyes and held his arm around tahlia's waist in attempt to keep her warm considering she was the female there, that's what Bruce saw as his priority.

Damian turned around about to walk upstairs before Bruce looked up. "Uh- Damian. There's an even tonight, happening Here in the manyor. A sibiling dance" Damian felt himself blush lightly. "And to be fair, I would
Like you to attend." Damian swallowed hard and raised his head a little. "Fine. If it would make you happy." He said crossing his arms.

Dick couldn't help but smile brightly, while Bruce nodded and held tahlia closer. Damian silently huffed and walked upstairs and got his under his blankets, falling asleep again.

Surprisingly Damian had slept through the whole day and woken up an hour before the dance. "DAMIAN!" Dick thwacked Damian across the head with a pillow causing him to jump awake.

"Godammit child, get up and get dressed" dick chuckled, Damian glared at him rubbing his head. "What did you hit me with?"

"It was a pillow." Damian grumbled some curses under his breath, then got up dressing into a tux, but a little more messy and without his usual tie.
He combed back his hair and put on his shoes, walking downstairs seeing Bruce smile a little.

Damian looked over at dick, who also seemed to be smiling. "What? am I overdressed?" He said looking slightly worried. Dick chuckled. "No, frankly your almost undressed but you look good." Damian smiled a little and blushed lightly, Bruce stepped over to him and licked his thumb. "Ew da-" "relax kiddo, I'm just fixing your hair"

His used his thumb to push back his hair then smiled "okay, can we go now?" Dick laughed a little. "Desperate to dance with me are you?"

Damian's eyes widened "nobody said I had to dance with him!"
"Well what do you think sibiling dance means Damian?" Damian looked shocked "but we are both guys! Isn't it supposed to be for males AND females only?" Bruce shook his head "no, and I want you two to dance together." Damian huffed.

"Father I have a confession to make."

"What is it?" He said fixing his tie. "I don't know how to dance. . ."  dick made a 'pft' sound and waved his hand in the air. "I will show you. If you don't get it by the time we have to do the honors then you can just stand on my feet." Damian looked even more lost now. "Honors?" "We have to do a main dance in your fathers honour, like in the Cinderella mo-"

"Yes yes I get that but-" tahlia came out in a dress and put her hands on her hips. "Damian honey just do it, and I will give you twenty dollars." Honestly Damian didn't give a care in the world about money but for the sake of his mother he agreed to it.

Bruce entered the room full of guests and picked up a glass making some sort of speech, while Damian looked down and just thought. This wasn't good, it was VERY bad in fact.

He put his thumb up to his mouth and started to nibbled on his nail while thinking, maybe too deeply due to the fact dick was yet again trying to get his attention.

"Damain!" Damian jumped and looked up "huh??" Dick chuckled and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Come on I'm gonna show you how to dance" Damian quickly nodded as he was brought out near a heap of dancing people and placed directly in front of dick. "Okay put out your left hand" Damian nodded and stuck it out making dick laugh a bit. "Relax it a bit more and put your right hand on my shoulder" he placed his hand on dicks shoulder, as his other hand was taken by dicks own, another sitting on his hips. "Now you basically just walk in a square, back.... right... forward.... Left....back....right....forward....left....
back....right....forward....left." It continued, and as the minutes passed by Damian had gone back into a train of thought.

Why does he even bother? It's not gonna be much use. he will leave soon and so will my dance partner. I don't want to dance with some random girl in the future let alone kiss, marry or have kids with one. I mean, I've been attracted to boys, never girls, and dick seems to click to me the most.

Silly, I know but I never have been romantically attracted to anyone that's probably why I'm so damn.... In love with him, I never really knew what it felt like. Does love ever get to a point where the person won't mean as much? I swear its like a disease this is, I just hope there will-

"DAMIAN!" Damian jumped and tripped backwards knocking over a waiter with a heap of cocktails on a tray. He looked up with a little bit of fear in his eyes, blushing from embarrassment.

Everybody laughed, making more jokes and explaining to each other what had happened. Damian felt tears prickle in his eyes and he began to shake a bit.

Dick place his hand over his mouth, leaning down seeming to not to laugh. "Damian are you okay?" Damian felt the tears soak his cheeks as he shook his head slowly. Dick helped the waiter pick up the Glass wine cups then turned around picking Damian up bridal style and leaving the room, heading to the kitchen and setting Damian down on a chair.

Bits of glass had gone into his skin, but Damian at this rate didn't care.  Dick sat down with a first aid kit, Damian looking down in shame. "Hey.... Damian it's alright, I obviously scared you so its my fault." Damian shook his head and sniffed wiping his nose with his sleeve.

Dick sighed, leaning in and hugging him tightly. Damian rested his head on his shoulder looking at the doors still hearing laughter. Nasty fucking rich people. He sat up and took off his coat and without thinking and rolled up his sleeves showing more then just glass.

Dick grabbed the tweasers and turned back around, grabbing his hand and  turning over his arm, but then stopped, gasping and looking at Damian's arm with wide eye's.


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