Chapter 24: Le Flashback

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Ash's POV

I write in my diary;

"Sadly...I'll have to give up. I have no proof of calem's plan...I'm starting to doubt myself anyway...

Serena seems like she's having fun with might not be a plan, I love her, I should let her love camel..."

I raise up from my chair, placing the diary firmly into a box beneath my bed.

I begin to walk to school, the place where im free from kalosshipping, dawn have it an uninventive name for some reason.....

Serena and calem the camel haven't been goimg to school, I don't know why. It's really a mystery.

I arrive at school, and man my way to registration. I acknowledge my friends as I make my way.

"Hey.." I speak out

"Harambe is coming,
Harambe is here,
Mr Gary Oak memelord,
Will make the crowd cheer,
Forgive our thou sinners,
Lord harambe is near,
He shall punish,
Thou in fear." The one true memelord says.

"Finished?" I ask, chuckling.

"Not till I avenge harambe" He smirks

"The meme is as dead as the gorilla
-_-" I add, wondering if I could kill him without being arrested by officer Jennie.

"Welp" Gary says followed by a dab

"Wow.." I say stunned at his lack of skills

"So how are you ashy-boi?" He asks, looking serious for once...well atleast more serious than before

".....I'm fine president memelord" I smirk, not embracing this new form

"New form? I guess this really wasn't my final form" He grins

"How did-"

"Let's just say I'm psychic" He interrupts


"....this about camel and senpai?....." he asks "Are you disturbed" He adds.

"I guess.." I say in few words

"Everything will be ok" Jr smiles and lats my back.

We walk to class.


At lunch I see dawn, "hi" I say awkwardly

"hi" she mimics.

"  are you?.." I ask nervous

"Just ask it.." She speaks

" you know anything involving serena and calem....."

Dawn's POV

"No" I lie

"Oh.." He answers

"I'm sorry ash.." I reveal

"Its ok...thanks anyway. She's happy...I'm not needed anymore...
Ill be leaving...bye" Ash says in a rush...

"Ok then..." I reply, not hearing much of what he has said.

I walk home, and approach my bed room.


I run to ash's house, frantacly phoning him as I do.
"Answer me ash, answer me"

After 5 minutes of repeating, when I'm a block away from his house, he answer me. "What's wrong dawn" He says, melancholy.

"I thought you was going to kill your self!" I say in anger, while in relief.

"I was preparing too....." He admits

"Don' tell you everything"

"Shauna and calem once dated, he was abusive, she's has mental and physical scars from it... he even went as far as to rape her...

He's been treating serena the same...
Shauna warned serena who told me so I can try and help...I wasn't supposed to tell you yet but I should and have now. You need to get over to her house now, we think he's on to us, he's in her house, He been keeping her away form school, we think he's going as far as he did with Shauna.... get there now!" I confess entirely.

Ash stands there in shock..

There goes the flashback chapter, don't ask why I made it this way because idek 😂

Anyway this is in full blast now so I'll just leave now,
SharpHotdog out

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