Messy Hair - Fluff

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I'm on such a fluffy Spencer kick somebody kill me he's too cute

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I'm on such a fluffy Spencer kick somebody kill me he's too cute


"Hey- hey it's Reid," you hear your boyfriend say, talking normally before catching himself and whispering instead. You can still feel his warmth, knowing he's in bed beside you, but you're guessing he's on the phone. You keep your eyes closed and nuzzle closer to his chest, hearing him let out a tiny breathy chuckle at your actions.

"I'm in bed and (Y/N)'s still asleep, what do you want?" He whispers with a slight edge in his voice, and you can hear laughter on the other line. Part of you wants to pry open your eyes immediately, as you're sure he's blushing, but you're so tired you can't bring yourself to carry through.

"Shut up and tell me why you called," Spencer says as he takes what you assume to be his free arm and pulls you in closer. He rests his head on top of yours, taking a deep breath in before abruptly stopping.

"What- yes, she sleeps at my hou- yes, we're in the same be- shut up!" You hear him exclaim, all while still whispering into the phone. You're glad he can't see your face, because the smile that erupts is unstoppable.

"It's not your business, Morgan. Did you call just to harass me? Because if so, I'm hanging up," Spencer threatens, and it's taking all your willpower to not bust out laughing at how adorable he is, even when he's trying to sound mean. He's just too cute.

"Alright, fine, I'll be there in fifteen," he sighs, sounding exhausted even though the day hasn't yet started. It makes your heart hurt to hear him like that, but you know that he loves his job.

"Morgan, stop with the questions, or I'm not coming at all, I swea-" you assume Morgan cuts him off, and he takes another deep breath before speaking again.

"Yeah. Yeah, I love her," your breath hitches in your throat at the words. You've said it before, and so has he, but there's just something about him telling his friends that makes your heart flutter. It feels so solid, so real when he says it even when he thinks you aren't listening.

"Thank you, Morgan. Yeah, I just wish I could stay for an extra fifteen minutes every day. Anyways, see you in thirty, then," he finishes, and you hear the click of him hanging up. The phone clatters onto the bedside table and he wraps both arms around you now. The smell of him engulfs you as you push yourself further into his bare chest, and he cradles you gently. He smells of coffee and candy, and although you don't mean to, you drift back off to sleep in the peacefulness of his arms.


"What's going on?" You ask, still dazed from sleep as Spencer hurries around his room. He looks up at you, startled, and falls over while trying to hop into his pants and walk. He hits the ground with a crash, and your hand flies to your mouth. You sit up, leaning over the side of the bed to see if he's okay. He crawls up to his feet gingerly, wincing.

"Spencer, I'm so sorry-" he shakes his head, pulling his pants up the rest of the way and leaning in to peck you on the lips. Once he opens his eyes, though, he's back into panic mode, frantically buttoning his pants as he runs to the other side of the bed where he sorts through his dresser in search of a shirt.

"Morgan said I could have an extra fifteen minutes to lay with you, but then you were so cute and peaceful, and your breath was so soft and your new shampoo smells really nice and I just fell right back asleep, and that was a half hour ago. I'm going to be late for the briefing and Morgan will never let me hear the end of it," Spencer rambles as he climbs into an under shirt. You swing your feet over the side of the bed, laughing as he runs around getting ready. You pick up his shirt from last night off the floor and pull it on yourself, buttoning it up a little for warmth.

When you finally stand, yawning, Spencer's got on his button down and is searching for a sweater to pull over it. You laugh and grab him a belt, figuring you ought to help. He nearly runs into you when he turns around, and you laugh some more. You hand him the belt and he kisses your cheek in thanks before running behind you to find his watch. After five more minutes of him frantically getting ready, he grabs his bag and tells you he'll call you from the road. You grab his arm and pull him back and although he shoots you a warning look, you stay insistent, dragging him to face the mirror.

"Spencer, if you leave the house with that hair, there's no way anyone's going to believe you spent your extra time sleeping," you explain to him, and after a second of looking like he's going to protest, understanding crosses his face.

"What? Cmon, my hair is naturally curly-" he tries to defend it, but you solemnly shake your head.

"Nope, sorry Spence. That is sex hair, and anyone over the age of seventeen could tell you that," you explain, and he sighs, exasperated.

"But we didn't have sex! I really just slept," he pouts like a toddler, trying to fix it as you laugh at him.

"Uh, Spencer, I hate to break it to you, but I'm pretty sure we definitely had sex," you wrap your arms around his waist and rest your chin on his shoulder from behind as he continues to preen his hair.

"Yeah, last night! Freakin sex hair..." he grumbles, making you smile again. You kiss his cheek, heading for the kitchen and leaving him to mumble and mess with his hair.

You aren't sure how long it's going to take him to fix the bird's nest on his head, so you go ahead and start making some coffee for him. It makes you feel a little silly and house-wifey, but you know you'll be missing him like crazy if he's about to travel and you want to do something nice for him.

It's not done in time, but you still manage to steal a kiss before Spencer is out the door.

"Be safe," you warn him as he pulls his bags onto his shoulders. He smiles, looking back at you.

"Of course. Wouldn't want to miss out on coming home to a beautiful girl wearing my clothes," he teases, and you jokingly shove him towards the door.

"Out, you sexy thing, or you'll be a lot later than half an hour," you tease him right back, and he groans as he walks out the door. You smile at each other as he shuts the door behind him, and the house instantly feels empty without his laughter.

But as you turn, ready to drink some of his coffee yourself, you gasp, suddenly realizing that his hair was still a total wreck. For whatever reason the image didn't hit you until now, and you can't stop yourself from laughing as you hear his car pull out. He is so totally doomed the minute the team sees him. Positively doomed.

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