Confident - Fluff

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teeny tiny bit of smut mentioned, but overall just fluffy goodness


"Garcia, oh my god, don't make me punch you. I will punch you," you threaten your friend as she laughs evilly. No cases means she's crashing your desk in the bullpen to distract you from your paperwork, as per usual. You roll your eyes as she continues laughing to herself, just flipping through some files and trying to ignore her teasing.

Okay, fine, so you had a one night stand, so what? You're allowed. It's a thing people do. You're a person. Who cares if you woke up in the middle of the night and had to kick a stranger out of your bed for snoring? Sex is sex, plain and simple.

"Ohh, how cute? I want a rating, scale of one to ten," Garcia demands, and you send her yet another glare. Thankfully, Reid walks in, giving you a distraction.

"Reid! Save me!" You cry, mockingly reaching out for him. He smiles, but furrows his brows in confusion. A couple glances between a smirking Garcia and a helpless you give away the situation, though.

"Good morning to you too, (Y/N)," he says jokingly, pulling his messenger bag over his head. You pretend to be hurt, leaning back in your swivel chair and placing a hand over your heart dramatically.

"A friend in distress and all you say is good morning? I was counting on you, Reid," you fake-whine, making Garcia laugh lowly.

"Oh, ho, you were counting on Reid, huh? Well, so was I," she says, and you half-scoff half-laugh. Poor Reid just looks surprised, freezing in his seat.

"Boy wonder! Don't you agree that it's necessary for (Y/N) to tell me how cute last night's one night stand was?" Garcia asks, and Reid shrugs.

"That is a typical piece of information shared with close friends, (Y/N)," Reid reasons, and you groan as Garcia jumps up triumphantly.

"Ha! See that? Now c'mon, spill!" She urges you. You look up to make eye contact with Reid, prepared to tell him he'll regret taking the enemy side. But when you look up and see him biting his lips, you think of a more fun idea.

"Hey, Reid. C'mere," you order, waving him over. He looks around him before standing up, which makes you laugh. It's not as if you'd be talking to anyone else. As he approaches, hands stuffed in his pockets, Garcia sends you a quizzical look.

"Yeah, come on, come here. You said it's something I should share with my close friends. Garcia, could you give us a minute?" You say overly sweetly, and they both finally understand your joke. Reid giggles, shrugging at Garcia as she feigns shock and hurt.

"Reid! I thought you had my back this time, you traitor! Fine. (Y/N), this is not over!" Garcia vows, pointing at you accusingly as she stalks away, kitten heels clomping loudly. You blow her a kiss and shoot her a wink, playful as ever.

Reid smiles at you before turning to go back to his seat, but you grab his wrist and stop him. He swivels back around, eyes wide and curious. You take a deep breath, trying to keep the flushing of your cheeks to a minimum.

"Okay, I know this may be a bit too much, but, uhm, you're our resident genius, and I kind of, sort of, I mean, I trust you, you know, and I-"

Reid stops you there, placing a hand on your shoulder reassuringly. Without saying a word, you know just what he means. Stop worrying, I'll listen.

"Okay. Here goes nothing. So, uh, obviously you know I had myself a one night stand, and, uh, there's just something that was said to me that I- I, well, I wanted to know if it was real or not. And I thought, well, if anyone would know, it'd be you," you explain to Reid. He nods and leans on your desk, half sitting down.

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