Ice Cream Love - Fluffy Drabble

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"Spencer! Spencer, where's your wallet? Do you have cash on you? It's important!" You exclaim, bursting into the bedroom and interrogating your boyfriend. He looks up from his book, surprised, and sets it down on his desk as he swivels to turn towards you.

"Is this a robbery?" He asks, a small smile creeping up on his confused face. You roll your eyes and bounce on the balls of your feet impatiently.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, I need cash, Spencer! Gimme a ten, please, please, please! I promise I'll pay you back," you beg, and he stands up begrudgingly. You smile and cheer in triumph, following him and skipping into the kitchen. Spencer shakes his head as he digs through his messenger bag, finally pulling out his wallet.

"So what is this about, exactly?" He asks, dollars peeking out of the wallet he's holding out of reach from you. You whine and make a grab for it, crazy rushed. But Spencer is easily able to keep it away, making you sigh.

"Ice cream! Can't you hear the music from the truck? C'mon, please, before it drives out of the neighborhood!" You beg, and Spencer bursts out in a laugh. You pout, crossing your arms.

"(Y/N), you don't even like the kinds of ice cream they sell in ice cream trucks. We both know you only love it from the tub," he argues, still laughing. You stomp your foot, making another advance for his wallet and failing.

"Spence, please, it was ingrained in me as a kid! You hear the ice cream truck, you beg for cash, you go get ice cream, mission complete! Now hurry or we'll miss it!" You protest, and he finally gives in. Holding out money for you to take, you smile broadly, thinking of a better idea.

Instead of grabbing the cash, you grab his wrist, yanking him behind you and out to the front door. Spencer stumbles wildly as he tries to keep up, his laughter only making it harder for him. You giggle to yourself, giddy as the ice cream truck approaches slowly.

"You're crazy," he says breathlessly when you finally screech to a stop. You give him a huge grin and finally take his money. You kiss him on the cheek for good measure, and the teen inside the truck rolls his eyes.

"Maybe, but you love it. Now help me pick something," you instruct him. You're too focused on the menu to notice, but when Spencer wraps his arm around you, he's looking at you with all of the love in the world.


a quick & fluffy one for your enjoyment :)
I have a lot of cool imagines in progress so get hyped those should be coming soon

also, happy Mother's Day guys!!
friendly reminder that not all moms are good moms and not all deserve a holiday 💕
friendly reminder that lots of moms are simply trying their best and definitely (!!) deserve a holiday 💕

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