Cold Without Him - Sad Drabble

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short and sad. sorry friends, this is just what came into my mind


"Spencer, please, wake up, wake up, I need you," you beg your boyfriend, shaking him awake. He mumbles sleepily for a minute before peeling his eyes open to see you crying. He instantly shoots to awareness, pulling you into his arms tightly. You rest your head on his chest and try not to shake too hard, still terrified from your nightmare.

Your nightmares have been getting pretty bad recently, and Spencer is the only one who makes you feel better. He rubs your back soothingly, whispering facts in your ear. He knows there's nothing he can truly say to take away your anxiety, so he does his best to give you something other than the twisting of your gut to focus on.

"And almost all popular vacation beaches are man made to some degree, some because of a need for sand replenishment and some tailored specifically to become resorts. It can be quite expensive, too, as sand is a commodity greatly increasing in value in the United States due to its use in various construction projects and the fact that it also acts as aggregate for countless roads," Spencer says softly, stroking your hair as your tears wet his t-shirt. He always spews the most random facts, and even though you've come to expect this, often you still manage to find yourself surprised.

You laugh lightly against him, and he smiles down at you. He gently takes a thumb and wipes away your tears, kissing the top of your head.

"Breathe?" He phrases it as a question, not needing to say more for you to understand. Sometimes you need him to help you get your breathing under control, but tonight, you can't tell if you need it or not. You feel dizzy, but you can't discern if it's from breathing too little or dreaming too much. Or really, nightmaring too much.

"You?" is all you manage in response, knowing he'll figure out that you're trying to ask for his thoughts. It's a connection you two have always had and always cherished. Spencer bites his lip and places two fingers over the pulse point on your neck, nodding sadly a moment later.

"Let's slow down," he whispers. You sniffle and pay close attention as he starts breathing model breaths for you to follow along with. You continue to breathe in sync with him as he wipes away the tears still slipping out of your eyes. Every once in a while, he breaks up his perfectly counted out breathing to whisper reassurances in your ear.

"I've got you, you're okay," he says, kissing your forehead again. He holds you tightly, and it feels so warm in his arms.

Then you wake up.

It's cold in your bed.

"Spencer, please, I need you," you whimper to open space. You turn to shake him awake, but can only cling to empty sheets. You listen for his sleepy grumbles, but your sobs are the only sound. You try not to shake too hard, but no one is here to steady you.

"Spencer, I miss you," you say weakly. This time, you have to wipe your own tears away. You have to slow down your own breathing. You wonder sometimes if maybe you have reality mixed up. Living without Spencer is what really feels unreal, the truest nightmare. You clutch the sheets, but still shiver.

Your world is so, so cold without Spencer.


I have so so sO many different one shots in the works right now I think I might be drowning in my own unfinished writing

I've got fluff and smut and AUs and so many ideas I want to pursue and so little time and ahhhh

also,,, I'm on tumblr now!!
my username is imoklahoma - same as this account - and my profile pic is the same photo of mgg too. I'm going to be posting these imagines there too, but I'm also gonna do some fun blog-y fangirling so come hang out!!

that's all, have a great day my loves

bonus cute mgg photo because you deserve it:

bonus cute mgg photo because you deserve it:

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