Short Series of Spencer Fluffs

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I'm alive! Gone for months, but alive!! Anyways, my sincere apologies. To hopefully make it up to you, here's a short but hopefully fun list of headcannons/drabbles/imagines/whatever-it's-fanfic that I complied over my absence. Enjoy!!


1. Having Spencer's knowledge help you out in small, everyday situations. Basically, human google.
"Spencer!" You call from the couch, mouth half full with popcorn. You pause the tv, looking quizzically at the frozen frame of the commercial you're looking at.

"Hm?" He answers from the bedroom, where you can only presume he's still got his nose in a book.

"What does 'cage free eggs' even mean?" You ask, having seen the same damn chicken commercial boasting about cage free eggs one too many times.

"The term has no official legal regulations, but the concept is that the eggs were produced by hens who were not trapped in cages for the sake of humane treatment," he rattles off absentmindedly, voice distant. You nod, satisfied with the answer, and press play.

I also image text messages like this:

Y/N: Spence what's bronchiolitis??? Isn't it bronchitis?? This guy at work keeps talking about it I don't wanna look stupid pls answer quickly

Spencer: Bronchiolitis is swelling of the bronchioles that causes wheezing and difficulty breathing, most common in children under the age of two.

Spencer: Bronchitis is a bacterial or viral inflammation that leads to coughing, common in older age groups.

Y/N: I love you

2. Dancing
Okay imagine Spencer promising to surprise you with dance moves n shit at your wedding but when the big night comes, he spends the entirety of your first dance just twirling you. Just twirling you. He spins you again and again and again until you're dizzy and neither of you can stop laughing throughout the entire song and half the guests are looking at you like wtf but the half that knows you guys is like yeah well what did you expect it's Spencer and Y/N of course it's weird

3: Classic First Date
Imagine just starting to date Spencer and accidentally getting caught up in a dinner conversation for so long that the owners literally have to kick you out because it's closing time. You walk out of the restaurant, embarrassed from the awkward encounter with the owner, and both of you are shocked when you step out into pitch darkness. Neither of you had realized it was getting so late or getting so cold, and had ridden the subway to meet here. You both wrap your arms around yourselves and scurry to the nearest subway entrance, and it's somehow even colder underground.

It's basically empty in the station and you start to shiver, which of course Spencer notices. Ever the gentleman, he slips out of his cardigan and gently places it on your shoulders. He smiles his dumb cute smile and you giggle, pulling it tightly around your body. Soon enough, your train comes, and you're about to shrug out of his jacket when he stops you.

"Keep it, you'll need it on the way home. You can return it when we see each other next." He tells you, still sporting a dorky grin. You step up on your toes to press a kiss to his lips before you have to leave. Sitting down in the empty car, you indulge yourself in the way his sweater smells just like him - like butterscotch candy and coffee.

4: Just One Day
Imagine that you and Spencer both work at the BAU despite your long term relationship. One Sunday morning you're laying in bed, Spencer acting as your big spoon (which is rare - even though he's tall, he fuckin loves being the little spoon). And neither of you are asleep and you both know it but his hand is draped around your waist and holding yours while you both just breathe and relax together. It's utterly peaceful until both of your phones ring in succession, signaling there's a case.

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