ironic (its like RAAAINNN)

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Life is so fucking weird dudes.

I know this is gonna sound like an annoying flex, but I don't mean it that way, I swear. I just can't get over the fact that when I first started this book, I wrote shit every damn day. I literally could not wait to get up and write more and create new little ideas. I listened for cute concepts in every song I heard. Albeit none of that work was particularly groundbreaking, but it did create the monstrosity you're reading now, and it did make me happy to create. I was so eager to check up on it all the time, too. I could not believe when I got the meager comment here or there; I was (and am) so grateful that another human being had bothered. But still, it was like maybe a total of 10 humans who were bothering through the entirety of my passionate, write-every-day phase.

So the Alanis Morissette irony is that now that I can't even be begrudged to flesh out a full one shot in a timely manner, literally hundreds of y'all are out here giving me your time and energy and it brings me to tears fellas. I used to read all that shit telling me how to become famous on Wattpad and tumblr all the time, and I never believed I'd actually get more than a handful of people who would even click on my stories. We have now officially surpassed 1K comments. It's absolutely berserk and wonderful and it blows my mind in the best way. So although I don't respond to many comments anymore, although I don't write as much anymore, I want each of you to know that I do read every single comment. Every damn one. I see all of your votes, your additions to reading lists, your follows. And I love y'all. You are funny and ridiculous and Spencer Reid obsessed and those are my favorite qualities in a person.

Here's to the fellas that are out here devoting their time to commenting when I know full well each and every one of you could be doing anything in this vast internet world. Thank you for being here. Me @ you guys when your hilarious comments brighten my day:

 Me @ you guys when your hilarious comments brighten my day:

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(I know what you're thinking. Why doesn't she thank us with an actual update instead of this shitty rambling and pandering gif placement? And to that I say good point, but hush. Smut is in progress. And there are feeeeeelings. So hush.)

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