Unreal - Dad!Reid AU

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I know this book is supposed to be fluff on top of fluff on top of fluff but I thought this would be interesting to write. I know it's choppy but it's intentional so hey please enjoy

EDIT: I wrote this before I was caught up on the show and now after watching season ten (spoilers ahead!! proceed to story if you haven't seen s10) and having seen David's daughter's storyline I highkey regret writing this but it's still cute so imma leave it up. the parallel is a lil spooky so listen I'm not saying I could be a CM writer but,,, (this is a joke obviously I'm not that talented please read with a grain of salt)


"And you're sure this is him? This is... this is my dad?" You question the private deceive, staring at the picture she gave you. It's the ripped off cover of a magazine, dumb graphics nearly covering the man's face.

"That's him, alright. My money, please?" The impatient PI asks, but you're stuck where you are, sitting at an outdoor cafe. She taps her foot as you continue to scrutinize the image.

"And who's the girl?" You ask, tracing your fingers over where his arm rests on her shoulder, thinking of the years you've missed out on things like that.

"Actress named Lila, can't you read? Everything else is in the file. Money please, kid," she urges you, and you roll your eyes. Finally tearing yourself away from the picture, you hand her a decent sized wad of cash.

"Don't call me 'kid.' I'm sixteen," you say defensively. She scoffs, taking the cash.

"Sure. Sixteen. That's why you're in college and have the money to pay a private detective. No lies there at all," she jokes, and you send her a glare as she finally walks away. You know everyone underestimates you, and you try not to let it get under your skin. But ever since your mother passed two years ago, nothing has been right.

It was always the two of you. She called you her little genius, always claiming you took after your magnificent father, even though you'd never even met him. She would sometimes slip away into her mind, and every time, you knew she was dreaming of him. Every once in a while she'd begin tell you stories about him, but always caught herself and stopped. Despite her obvious infatuation, something always seemed to bring her back down to earth.

"Come on, mom, keep going!"

"No, no more, my little genius. No more."

"Why not? You were at the good part! Now tell me, what did he say next?"

"Sweetie, please. What he said next doesn't matter, because in the end I said goodbye."

"But did he say goodbye too?"

"You're too curious for your own good, my little genius. Now come on, finish your work."

It was strange. You feel so close to your father, constantly having been compared to him and teased with stories of him. Yet at the same time, you didn't know anything about him. Not his name, his face, his job. But now... the file may be thin, but it weighs heavy on your heart as you pick it up.

You look around, feeling strange doing this in a random coffee shop's outdoor seating area. Such a normal place for such a life altering event. Nevertheless, you take a deep breath and prepare to open it.

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