Jet Rides - Fluff

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he's such a cutie it makes me emotional sometimes
just look at him in the top one he looks like a mad scientist I wanna cry


"Spence, no fair!" You whine when you exit the bathroom to see Spencer taking up the entire couch on the jet. It had been a long flight, and it wasn't even halfway over. You were dying to get some rest, and specifically claimed that space for when you returned.

"What?" he questions, picking his head up and looking around, and you sigh, knowing he must've not heard you calling ownership. Morgan, sitting across from him, chuckles.

"Pretty boy take your spot, (Y/N)?" He asks, and you turn and smile. You plop down in the seat next to him, giving up on the couch. Spencer looks cute curled up on it anyways. Not that you'd ever voice it aloud, but you thought he pretty much always looked cute.

"Pretty boy did indeed," you reply, sighing wistfully and over dramatically. Spencer looks alarmed, coming up to rest on his elbow.

"(Y/N), is this your- do you want it back? I-I'll move," you and Morgan both laugh, and you shake your head.

"No, no, stay there Spence. You look comfy, I'll be fine," you assure him, waving your hand, but he looks far from ready to give up.

"(Y/N), please-"

"Spence." You cut him off with a stern look, and he reluctantly lays back down, doing an adorable 'well, shit' expression with his lips pursed. After a minute of you shifting to find a position in the chair that will give you minimal neck damage, Spencer pipes up again.

"(Y/N), please, at least share the couch with me," he pleads, and you freeze. Slowly opening your eyes, you see Morgan snap to look at you with a smirk on his face. Your face heats up, and you meet Spencer's eyes as pink creeps up on his cheeks too.

"Spence, it's a tiny couch," you say, voice accidentally coming out tiny and squeaky. If Morgan had a cup of tea, he'd be sipping it.

"No, I- I, look- just... just come here," he protests, defeat already in his voice. You hesitantly stand and walk over to Spencer, a smile growing on your face as you look down at him. He opens his arms, gesturing for you to climb right on top of him. You laugh at the thought.

"Spence, no, I'll crush you," you shake your head, but he makes puppy dog eyes and you're absolutely wrecked. You know the team would make fun of you endlessly, but Hotch and Morgan were the only ones awake. You sigh, giving in and trying to find a way to maneuver yourself on top of Spencer.

You awkwardly clamber down, but his beaming smile makes up for it. You rest your head on his chest and sneak your arms up and around his shoulders. He takes the opportunity to wrap his arms around your waist, letting his hands fall to the small of your back. You smile sheepishly, nervous being so close to him. You can hear his heartbeat racing too, making your face flush further.

After just listening to each other breathe for some time, you realize that his left leg is totally hanging off the couch. You glance up at Spencer, but his eyes are peacefully closed. You shake your head, not having it.

You manage to take your right leg and hook it under his ankle, using it to drag his leg back up. Spencer's legs are now literally tangled with your own, and when you look up at him again he's tomato red.

"(Y/N)..." he trails off quietly, but you trap his left leg with both of yours and tighten your grip on his torso.

"You said share, Spence. I didn't join you so you could let your leg go numb and pretend you're fine," you counter, and he relaxes, scoffing a little.

"Numbness in the leg is actually usually caused by compression of the nerves in your spine, so it's much more likely that my foot would in fact be the first to go n-" when he feels you laughing, Spencer stops with his rambling.

"What?" He asks, self conscious. You smile, nuzzling further into his soft sweater vest.

"No, no, keep going. I like hearing your voice," you tell him, and you swear you can hear his heart pick up its pace.

"O-okay. Right. Um. So, so, I was just saying that my, uh- my foot would be more likely to 'fall asleep' - actually, that term has an interesting history, and was originally coined in the year...."


"Pretty boy, she's asleep," Morgan says, sounding exhausted but still amused. Spencer stops rattling off facts to look up at him in surprise.

"I know that," he defends, and Morgan raises his eyebrows. You stir softly in your sleep, unaware that they're talking about you. You hum pleasantly, and both boys stop to just look at you for a moment. When they finally break free from the silence, it's Morgan who speaks, quieter now.

"If you know she's asleep, why are you still spouting statistics?" He questions, and Spencer opens his mouth, closes it, and opens it again. He looks at you as you breathe deeply and look absolutely serene.

"She said she liked hearing me talk, and it seemed to help her fall asleep, so I guess- I guess I was just... just.. I don't know- scared that she'd, you know, stop being so happy and sleepy if I stopped, I guess," he explains, unsure of why himself. Morgan shakes his head, pulling on headphones as he finally prepares to catch some shut eye for himself.

"You're both so whipped for each other it almost hurts to watch," he sighs, making Spencer blush.

He tilts his head away to try and hide it from Morgan, but Spencer keeps whispering every fact he can possibly think of throughout the entire night.


A week or so later, you're headed home on another achingly long flight. You sit next to JJ at the table, both flipping through folders and trudging through paperwork. You can't help but yawn, and she smirks.

"What's so funny?" You ask her, setting down your pen. JJ shakes her head, not looking at you. You elbow her gently, and she gives in, chuckling.

"Just wondering why you don't go cuddle with Reid if you're so tired," she teases, and your jaw nearly falls off.

"I- I don't know- wha-" you stutter, trying to form a coherent thought and failing. She gives you a look that says 'oh, please' and you shut your mouth in hopes of not embarrassing yourself further.

"How?" you ask under your breath, and she does you the favor of pretending you two aren't talking, eyes still on her papers.

"Morgan took photo evidence," she answers in a whisper. You seethe a little, but you can't say you're surprised.

"Bastard," you curse, and she cracks a smile again.

"It's a cute picture, (Y/N)," she counters, making it hard for you to control your grin. You can't help but believe JJ, mostly because if Spencer's in it there's a guarantee it's a good photo.

"The video is even cuter, though," JJ smirks, and your jaw drops again. This time, you don't have the self control to keep it down.

"I'm sorry, video?!"

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