Messenger Bag Girl - AU Part 2

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*when you see the asterisk I'm referring to the above photo I just can't explain his face it's too cute for words so just look at it when you see * ok
should I care that friendship imagines are not what most people want? probably. do I actually care? not even a little. enjoy, my lovelies!


(Spencer's POV)

"Son of a bitch!" I cuss, digging through my backpack. If mom were here, I imagine she'd look up at me, shocked, and her surprised face calms me down for a second. But then I remember she's not, she's locked away because I sent her away, I'm alone in this house, and self hatred and rage settle back in. I can't believe that girl let me walk away without my math book. Just extending her torment. Probably was a ruse from the start. God, I want to punch myself for thinking she was funny. Then I want to punch her for making me think it. Idiot, idiot, idiot...

My cell phone rings, and I sigh. I try to act civilized when I answer, unsure of who the random number is.

"Hello, this is Spencer Reid," I say with an even voice, and I hear a shaky breath on the other end, immediately putting me on alert.

"Okay, I know you probably don't want to hear from me-" it's her. It's (Y/N).

"You're right, I don't!" I yell, winding up to shoot off about a thousand different things.

"Stop, please, please! Just wait, just listen, please. I'm not calling to try and humiliate you, I just want you to know I still have your math book," she says unsteadily, and I unclench my fists like I always have to. Then I remember her pretending to stick with me through Colby threatening me, and I close my fists again.

"Right, not calling to humiliate me. Because I can do that just fine on my own, huh? Isn't that right-"

"Spencer, stop! Look, I just want to be your friend, okay? I can tell you don't believe me, and I don't know how to make you see it. I didn't want to give up, but I'm realizing it's not up to me. Just tell me your address and I'll come drop off the book," (Y/N) sighs, defeat in her voice. I shake my head, hating to hear her so sad. Then I force myself to shudder, angry I just had that thought. She wasn't actually trying to be nice. In high school, I might've fallen for that, but I'm done now. Not this year, not again.

"Okay, fine. But you come alone," I say, and I hear her giggle a tiny bit on the other line. First it makes me smile, then grit my teeth.

"Are you expecting me to bring black market drugs, Spencer?" she chokes out, and now I'm holding back my own laughter. I suppose I sounded a little over the top. I roll my eyes and take a deep breath, still trying not to smile too much.

"Just don't bring friends, alright?"


Two more classes. Two more classes, two torturous weeks, fifteen awful days. From the first moment, I knew I wouldn't get her out of my head. The way she smiled when every other student glared. The way all eyes were on me and only hers were kind. Even though anyone could have seen it coming a mile away, I still found myself surprised and angry every time I had a positive thought about her.

I kept coming back to the idea that she was genuine, and it haunted me. I didn't want to believe it, but two weeks later, she hasn't said a word to me or about me. She hasn't whispered about me in class, even when I know she could with the students right next to her. She even moved seats to be further away from me, and I wasn't sure how to feel about that. On one hand, could be like the kids who would avoid me, but on the other, it could be her giving me space.

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