Chapter 1

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Present day "Yay! Ji Iseul!" I exclaim in excitement as he uses the bathroom without even asking me for help

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Present day
"Yay! Ji Iseul!" I exclaim in excitement as he uses the bathroom without even asking me for help. My scream scaring him, he jumps a bit startled as he's still sitting on the toilet, "Hh-AH." Jimin rushes in with a towel barely around his waist. He should have just walked in with nothing and that would have been amazing.

"What happened?" He asks. I'm completely hypnotized by his amazing body. "Isaeli?" He calls. "Ah?" I ask, he smirks. "Damn baby, if you want me just say it." He smiles. I roll my eyes and look away. "Ji used the bathroom all by himself without me even having to help him." I say helping Ji get off of the toilet, though he's three we've always potty trained him.

Even since he was a baby, it was a lot let stressful with diapers and he got a lot less rashes than most babies. Ji Iseul is very smart for his age. "I did it all by myself appa, I didn't ask help from anyone." He nods as I make sure he puts on his pants. "Good job bud!" Jimin tells his son as I harass his body with my eyes.

My attention falls to Ji as he used the little step stool to wash his hands. "I'm getting more better." He says in a excited tone. "Yes, you are!" I say. He dries his hands and walks out of our bathroom. "I was just going to take a shower, care to join?" He mumbles in my ear, I think real quick. "What are we going to do about Ji? He'll hear." I ask.

He chuckles. "I knew you wouldn't let down my offer." He says seductively. "Just leave him in his room to color. He'll be fine, we've left him in his room before." And the way he says it made me feel bad about how I'm raising my kid, I frown. "I don't know then.. I mean.." I see Jimin run into the room after Ji Iseul.

"Hey bud, want me to take out all the coloring books so you can color something really nice for me?" Jimin asks him. "Can I watch TV?" I hear Ji's little voice ask, oh gosh Jimin. Don't say yes, you can't just throw our kid in front of the television just so we can fuck. "Of course, you want snacks too?"

Wow, Jimin is really trying to sell our kid on staying in his room.

"Yeah!" Ji exclaims and I hear running down the hall. I let Jimin take Ji to do whatever the plan is, I take the test out from my back pocket look down at it. That plus sign still haunts me. I turn and set it in my night stand dresser, I take a deep breath and walk into the hall. I walk into the washroom and fold some clothes, I guess just to distract myself.

I smile when I hear Ji Iseul laughing, I stick my head out of the washroom and walk up to his door. I see him sitting nicely and continue down the hall. I see the white towel on the floor. I feel my face heat up, he's naked. Even though I have seen him naked trillions of times, I still get nervous. I look down at my baggy Guns and Roses shirt.

I pull it off and let it fall to the floor, leaving me in my shorts and bra. I close the door to Ji's room and drop my shorts. I hesitate when I'm at the bathroom door. I set my hand on the knob, and twist it. Steam leaks out from the door, I walk in. It's instantly hot and I'm already breaking a sweat. "I knew you couldn't stay away." I hear him next to me.

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