•Chapter 8: Harry•

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After telling Sam and Katherine how to cleanse me of this darkness, they continue to brainstorm a list of people who have a chance of breaking this curse.

"What about your parents?" Sam asks, "they're pretty pure."

"Won't work," I answer, "Mary Margaret's heart blackened a little bit, which tainted David's now that they share a heart."

"I can't think of anyone else," Katherine admits, "everyone who could have done it either has a heart that's too dark or has moved on."

"Thank you, Captain Obvious," I hiss before Sam rolls his eyes and looks to the ground as he thinks.

"We need to figure this out soon, the dance starts soon," she tells Sam, "we don't need everyone wondering where we are."

As they continue their conversation, I find myself staring out at the peaceful water before me, remembering the time it brought me so much happiness as I think about how there's no one left on this earth to free me of this curse

"You go back to Granny's and get ready for the dance," I hear Sam say, "stall Killian as much as possible if he asks any questions."

"What about you?" Katherine asks.

"I'll catch up."

She sends him a nod in response before she begins her journey back into town to try and buy Sam as much time as he needs. As soon as she's out of sight, Sam looks to me with a small smile and I return it, shocking us both, before he stands up from the bench and makes his way next to me.

"What happened?" he questions.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"What made you dark? What did you do?"

"Are you asking or ordering?"

At my question, we both looked down to my heart in Sam's hand before he then sighs and places it in his bag.

"I'm asking," he answers, "I want you to tell me of your own free will."

"Before I tell you," I say, "know that I did it to save you. You, Katherine, and Roland. He was going to kill you all."




After I helped Emma and Regina get a tear, I went back to my room so we could figure out what to do about Harry, only to find the room was completely empty. The eerie feeling that filled the room caused me to scan my surroundings to find a note neatly folded on the table in the center of the room.


I have taken your friends, or family, or whatever you call them, to the field just outside of the castle. It's hidden by a circle of trees. Meet me here if you want to see them alive again. I'll give you until midnight. Come alone. Be smart.


As soon as I read the letter, I crumpled the paper in my fist as my anger begins to consume me at the thought of him laying a finger on any one of them. Just when I'm about to make a move for my bow and arrows, the door swung open before Robin rushed in.

"Have you seen Roland?" he asked with panic in his voice, "I went back to my room and he was gone."

My eyes widened in shock when the realization hit me that he took Roland too.

"He's probably with Sam and Katherine," I lied, trying to cover up the pitch change in my voice.

"Thanks, Everly," he sighed in relief then noticed the paper in my hand, "what's that you've got there?"

𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐃 ★ 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ⁵Where stories live. Discover now