•Chapter 10: Merida•

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After determining that King Arthur is not on our side, Sam, Katherine, and I followed Killian, David, Belle, and Merlin to the dungeon to free Lancelot while the rest stayed at Granny's. The three of us waited in the hall with Bella and Merlin as David and Killian took out the first couple of guards. After we get the all-clear from Killian, we entered the hall to see a guard beginning to charge at us, causing Merlin to throw him into a wall with is magic.

"Not bad for a bloke who spent the last thousand years as a tree," Killian stated.

"Just like riding a bike," Merlin joked as he used his magic to light the torches before I found myself walking next to him and looked over to see him staring at me.

"What?" I questioned.

"Just never thought I'd get the opportunity meet the Purest Heart," he answered.

"You...you know who I am?"

"Of course. I was the one who sent Jack and Jake Frost to help with your powers, after all. It's an honor."

"Well, it won't be long before Arthur knows we're here," David said after Merlin and I shared a smile, "how do you know what a bike is?"

"Do you really think all my prophecies came true because of luck?" Merlin asked, "this way."

I slowed my pace to walk with Sam and Katherine as we turned down another hallway before Merlin held out a hand, signaling us to stop. We waited for a minute or two then waited for guards to pass before Killian looked to Merlin in shock.

"He really can see the future," he realized.

"Bits and pieces," Merlin responded, "yeah."

We continued to follow Merlin through the halls of the dungeon until we came across the cells. When we all looked into the first one, we saw Lancelot staring back at us surprised.

"Charming?" he questioned.

"It's okay," David responded, "Mary Margaret and I are no longer under Arthur's control."

"How did you break his thrall over you?"

"They didn't, mate," Killian answered.

"I did," Merlin stated.

"Merlin," Lancelot smiled.

"What about me, now? You here to free me, too?"

At the sound of the semi-familiar voice, we all turned to see Merida in the cell across from Lancelot.

"Merida?" Katherine questioned, "how did you end up in there?"

"Long story," she answered, "but after what your friend did to me, letting me out is the least you can do."

"Yeah, she's right," I tell them, "Emma would want us to free her."

"Indeed," Merlin said, "but much has happened in the past millennia. These bars are enchanted with magic that I've never encountered before."

As Belle flipped through the pages of the book she brought, I watched out of the corner of my eye as Katherine kept making quick glances in Merida's direction.

"Here!" Belle exclaimed as she pointed to a page in her book, "try this."

"Huh. Well. Aren't you the clever one," he smiled as he read the book then looked to Belle.

"Glad someone noticed," Belle joked.

Merlin smiled and nodded before he held his hands out to the cell bars. Lancelot and Merida stepped away from the bars as they began to glow a bright white then vanished. Once the bars were gone, they stepped out the cells right before we heard guards shouting in the distance.

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