Royal Proposal

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I, Sousuke Aizen, really held highly of myself.

Dignity and pride, it's true that I always keep them in mind. But sometimes I will put myself low for a while--although I rarely do that. For particular purpose only that I will think about my pride again before acting.

And perharps, this is the first time I ever consider something this fast, even with my rational mind and pride at stake.

" I hereby you, for you to be my bride. "

Have I ever gone any crazier than this? I hope yes.

" S-sousuke...San? Eh...? Y-y-you mean? Forgive me, Sousuke-san, I think I misunderstood you words as a confes-- "

" It is a proposal. "

Once again she got silent. Or should I say, dumbfounded.

Why did I do this? Well, let me explain myself.

" You're polite, clever, and we have a lot in common--strangely. But I do certain on one thing, which is... you're my other half. "

" Other half?! "

There she is.

" Don't shout. Yes, I have the feeling. And my feeling never fail me. "

" B-but... just because of that? I mean... we haven't even meet once. And you're in jail while I'm stuck in my deathbed... we couldn't possibly..."

" That's right. And our age... ah, forget about age, we even lived in a different world. "

" D-different world? "

Finally the time has come where I should explain everything for her.

" The world that I am in is Soul Society, or what you human called the spirit world. This is also where Shinigami live and where most Souls dwell until they are reincarnated into the Human World. And I'm one of those shinigami. "

" The Human World and Soul Society are parallel to each other and are two sides of the same coin. People can also be killed as regular Humans are, though they are capable of surviving wounds that would normally be considered fatal. A soul that dies in Soul Society is reincarnated on Earth as a new Human with no past memories. I believe you're smart enough to remember all of these, Hasu? "

I can feel myself smirked internally at her, since I think I've said the only necessary part that she should know. Although, I haven't even explain about the government system in here.

"... I... I can keep up with it... but, it's not my fault if I shocked by all of these, right? I mean... afterlife... so, I still have one more chance to live? "

" Normally yes, but since you're my other half, this is your last chance. The afterlife, that is. "

And this is where she should know about me... completly. I'm sure that she's my other half from the human world. And our existence are paralleled. If I put myself first and can only love--which I thought I will never ever use this word in my life--myself, then it means I will put herself first just as I protect my own self and will only love her forever with my immortality.

" Eh? But why? I thought that's the cycle of life and death? "

" That's right, for normal souls. But me, I told you right? I'm immortal. Thus, the moment you died at human world and get transfered in here, your existence will become just like me. Immortal forever and ever... with you by my side. "

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