Dealer and Bets

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The moment Hasu talked with me in the first week, I realized almost immediately, that her life won't be long. Logically speaking, a mere human like her with weak body, won't live long more than 20 or less.

I feel conflicted. Being happy that we would meet soon, but melancholic for her death. Ah, true that there will be another world ahead after death, I hope her soul won't get stuck on some particular places.

However, besides from her transferred to this soul society—which obviously in chaos by now—there's one rule about the souls which gathered in here...

Yes, that one absolute rule.

Every souls which came from the human world will lost their memories after transferred to here. The case with Hasu... Her conversation with me should be counted as one of her memories from the living world, right? Which means... She will forget about me.

No. She will not. I will not allow it to happened.

What can I do to break—no, just bend it a little bit should be enough.

But what is it--

Huh? Suddenly I feel a familiar disgusting reiatsu approaching me. Oh, I know exactly who's the owner of this reiatsu. One of the captains. And to be even more exact, it's the captain who's secretly adored by the supreme commander himself.

Shunsui Kyoraku.

What is he doing in here? I'm pretty sure that no one in this whole world would be so kind to pay me a visit. Especially in the deepest prison in Soul Society. So much just to merely pay a visit, isn't it?

Well then of course, he must be have an unimaginable sick idea as to the reason behind his doing.

Sure, I couldn't hear what he says, but I can tell from his reiatsu that he has a lot of going on in his mind. Must be related to the chaos on the surface. For the oh-so-laidback captain of the eight division, I wonder how much in danger your beloved soul society is.

Just as I'm thinking how to spite on those sly geezer, I feel a great amount of power released on me. An enormous spiritual power gushing to my body in a split second. This body which has been paralyzed to the core for 2 years straight with no any lights dare to slip past into this eternal darkness... At last, I regain my control again.

" Alright... Now you won't need to use your reiatsu to answer me. "
He said, as he unlock the seal on my mouth.

Hahahaha! How funny and ridiculous he is! I wonder from what material does his brain mad of? Looking down so lowly of me, thought it would be enough to only unlock my seal on my mouth.

Dear oh dear, just who do you think that locked up in down here? How naive you are, though, I must say my thanks, since now... I'm not only able to give my smile, but approach you as well.

" Usually it'd take a long time, for someone who's had their mouth sealed for 2 years to talk, but... That isn't the case for you, right? "

Huh, you know me pretty well.

But not to the extent to how you can foresee my action. Nor the future itself.

" Yeah. "
I simply answered, it's not supposed to be shocking for him right?

Only, I'm going to surprise him a little with me... Being able to unlock the rest of the seal on me. It's as easy as blink my eye now. However I have not regain my full power, yet.

Oh well, I will deal with that later.

Step by step, I approach the man with horrific looks on him. Haha, now now, who's looking down who, Shunsui Kyoraku?

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