Where the Ears Can Hear

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" Now that I remember about it, Hasu said she has a dark brown hair which similar to mahogany woods, wasn't she? Frankly said, that is just how the shade of my hair looks like, aren't they? Ah... I just found out that my curiosity actually can surpass my patient this easily. "

Thinking about Hasu's voice, her smile, and the things we will do when she got here truthfully is more productive and enjoyable rather than hearing all these nonsense blabber from those hypocrites shinigami.

Even after showing off a small portion—a particle even, of my reiatsu, there are still more work to do for this useless bunch.

Honestly, the shinigami bunch has slightly become more useful now. I can feel their reiatsu which has gotten stronger than the last time I see them. Still, only some of them, that is.

" You cannot save the world with dignity alone, I can think of worse things... To defeat evil with evil... "
Looks like he explained his real intention in a good form for them to understand.

To addressed myself as another evil, now you should look at the mirror for the one who's using evil itself.

" It seems your little dispute is at an end. "
I criticize looking at this unfruitful debate I releasing me or not.

As a matter of fact, they are not 'releasing' myself yet. To put it bluntly, they're just moving me around with this ridiculous stone chair.

" I've already told you, I don't have the jurisdiction to undo any further seals. "
Kyoraku defend himself, again with that stupid rule.

" My my, you want me to clean up your mess when I'm bound and tied to this chair? "

" I can't imagine such a minor nuisance posing even the slightest challenge to you. "

Kyoraku is sure such a hard skull to crack. Literally just what I wanted to do.

" ... You flatter me, I don't possess that kind of power right now. "

" You misunderstand, it's not a question about power. I just don't think having those eyeball monsters devour your body... Is the most beneficial outcome for you right now. "


Hasu's soul is at its end and I need to be patient on dealing with these incompetent shinigami.

That's fine by me, I have all the eternity to be patient.

" Hadou #90... "

I should've muttered that more quiet so the guy next to me won't notice it. What a shame.

" Leave now! Head back to the laboratory! "
Shouted Kyoraku in panic.

I don't know how, but truly unfortunate that they able to get away from me in time.

" Kurohitsugi "

Saying that I don't posses my former true power is true. But that doesn't mean I've become weaker at the least.




" Shoot the royal palace down, you say?! "
Abarai Renji echoed my intention out loud.

Though everyone try to stop me, there's no reason to obey them.

Gather all this power that have been burning non stop under that underground jail, is nothing compared to listening to some of the nonsense those captains like to blabber about.

I can... Easily shoot down the palace from down here. And in addition, if the chair is broke, it's not my fault, isn't it?

Power gathered around me, and I'm already more than ready to shoot it now-- huh?

It's... Gone? The reiatsu is gone into thin air just like that?


" Those bindings, don't serve to extinguish your reiatsu. They can only rein it in close to you. Fact is, that very 'power to restrain' is insurmountably strong. "


Curse you and your foolish hope, shinigami. If only... If only, not because of Hasu is going to be transferred here soon, I won't be so eager to reply to every of your stupid demand.

" It would be a harsh blow to my dignity and honor... If you actually achieved such a feat hike being restrained by the bindings I created. "

So it's him. The genius freak captain Kurotsuchi that even I wonder as to why the division accepted a guy like him actually.

" Your skills versus my strength... Let's see which one is-- "

Just when I about to show him the result of spending my times under that dear jail, suddenly an unforeseen power strangled me even more onto this chair.

From the look Kurotsuchi gave, looks like this is not his doing—neither any of the shinigami.

Then it must be those insects.


" Aw yeah! I've had ample time to observe your reiatsu, I dunno if it's cus the black clothes you're wearing but your reiatsu is full of holes! "

Because of these bindings you assume? Well, tell me something I don't know, Quincy.

" If you poke those holes, they'll open even wider till there's nothing left! If the opponent is someone who's immobile... It will become easier than shooting a fish in a barrel! "

... Fascinating how you think this brittle net can subjugate my movement.

However... This is a good opportunity to release myself from this boring talk. Seems like, I have a better thing to do rather than listening to them, to sleep that is.

I shut my eyes from the ugly sight in front of me, even just from hearing that hideous-looking Quincy's voice, is already enough to make want to either crush his voice cord or destroy my eardrum—though I'll heal again soon after.

Ah, I miss Hasu's voice.

Let me have a 'conscious' sleep, would you?

I can still feel what happened around me even if people think I already went into deep sleep, thus I can choose to sleep or wake up immediately whenever I like. But lately, I just found out myself that I can notice Hasu's presence in my sleep as well—only in sleep though.

So I have to set myself into sleeping mode if I wanted to know wether she's connected to me or not.

Now that I think about it, does that mean she never sleeps well like any normal human being? Wait, comparing her to normal human is to disgraceful for her.

For her to be connected with me, she is most certainly in a different level than them. Perhaps... Even shinigami or Quincy also.

I never... Really have deep thought about it, probably because how I feel comfortable and for an unwitting reason I can accept her easily. Not to mention on trusting her.

Truly... What a mystery her existence is actually.

" Sousuke-San, are you there? "


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