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" This shall be recorded in history book of Soul Society later. The captain of first division is actually asking a favor from the most dangerous prisoner who's a step away from overthrown the Soul King. "
I admit, the chair doesn't feel good. But what's there to be complain anymore after those two years straight sitting on the same goddamn stone chair?

However, at last I can run this mouth however I pleased just like from before. Although, some words still need to be think. Mindless words are worthless in this world.

" You want to be recorded in history books? Then you need to die first after this. "
The man throw a sly smirk before me.

" You know how well I cannot die. This immortality, is not so bad you know. You lot will aged and rot to your ashes while me still have my leisure time, enjoying my immortality. 10.000 years or more, will goes by just like ordinary 10 years. "

"... How confident, for someone who's forced to sit on the hot chair. "


That spiteful comeback always get to my nerves, but he replies it well. He's an interesting one.

Suddenly the guards stopped and put me down on seemingly steady ground. Around us is a rubles of buildings and debris that can not be identified anymore. The doesn't look any better also. Though, it's much clearer than the ground that looks as if just went from tsunami.

There are cracks here and there all over the grounds. So I assume there must be a great earthquake before.

Huh, well what a fortune for them to built the prison far stronger than any of their own buildings.

How ironic it is for me to survived all those earthquake and explosions when I actually just being locked deep deep down underground. Perhaps I should tell this as a funny story when I get to talk with Hasu again.

" We're here. "
He mutters while looking far beyond us.

I take a look where that eye lead me on.

And oh, how delightful. Does he planning to make a reunion party for me? How sweet.

Everyone—not exactly everyone, only the important shinigami who survived huh? Oh well, they still stand straight under those building which doesn't look any stable than the others. What are they doing there? Looking for shelter?

" Haha, you're planning to reintroduce me first? "

" Might as well do so. Or else they would attack you right of the bat. Probably, I'll get caught up in the middle as well. "

When suddenly an enormous spiritual power gushing out from the Soul King place, I could at least understand half of the scenario here. The barrier around the Soul Society has damaged and there's a pretty big crack on it.

If I guess correctly—which I usually does—the black hand which came from Captain Ukitake before, was absorbed by Yhwach. One way or another, his body will surely overflow with enormous spiritual power. My bet, the rest of his power which his body couldn't handle will take another form and flow out from his body.

By then...

Ah, there it is.

" My my... Looks like things will get messy here. "
He commented as he hurried himself to the place.

The guardians as loyal as they ought to, follow him behind while carrying me on the chair. Uncomfortable, but it couldn't be avoided, could it?

Finally getting closer to the source of the residual power from Yhwach, that pitiful disgusting blobs dare to trying to chew on my reiatsu.

Hahaha, how laughable. Such a pathetic creature actually need my power to get rid of them?

Look at those vice captains and captain that doesn't have any comparable power to mine. Swinging their swords while still at disadvantage from those blobs? I'm embarrassed to what this people have become.

" This is hilarious. "
I commented in the dark as Shunsui moved my chair closer into the light.

Just like what I expect, everyone is in shock from my voice. No need to overreact so much. The day where I get to see the light and have some fresh air again, is not that far from reality.

" Why are you lot waving your swords around like that? "

" T-that's... Impossible... You're..."
Someone who's able to overcome their monetarily shock, still in disbelief to my reveals. Ah of course, the Kuchiki vice-captain.

" Just use your reiatsu, and squash them all! Easy..."
I instructed as I gave a demo to what I just suggest.

Dear oh dear, I truly have become more caring after meeting Hasu. Those foolish shinigami lot need to thank her later.

" N-no way..! You're... Aizen! "
Kuchiki Rukia shouted my name with horrific expression plastered on her face—just like everyone else.

She's so kind to reintroduce myself to the others. I should properly say hi to everyone then. Much to my delight.

" Oh, long time no see, Kuchiki Rukia. But again... I never get to speak with you after I left the Gotei. Oh and, congratulations on getting your promotion. It's great that they're finally acknowledging your service..."

Not even an awkward laugh can be heard from this many mouths. How sad, I thought a thanks form her would be impossible, but I didn't think she doesn't even give any pity laugh for herself.

" You... You should've been locked up... What are you doing here?! "

" They let me go."
As simple as that.

" Enough of that! Who'd do—"

" It was me. "
And thus, the interesting man Shunsui Kyoraku admitted.

Hahaha, how laughable their expression just now. What are they being so surprised for? It's inevitable where Soul Society will need my power sooner or later despite locking me as a prisoner down there. Just be honest, those lot in 46 branches knew that I'm going to be their biggest asset eventually. That's just how rotten Soul Society is.

" Captain Kyoraku! "
Everyone's being too dramatic on this.

This is going to be long... Huh, I've had enough of this foolish apes that couldn't evolve more than before. I wish I could still talk to Hasu while I'm awake—or when she is.

" I sure as hell don't agree with asking help from someone like him. "
Ikkaku Madarame seems so eager on rejecting my help. As if I'm doing this to help you lot.

" You know no shame! "
Ah, captain of the second division, Soi Fon.

After she said the word, looks like everyone has the same mind as her. Even the ever-so-quiet Kuchiki Byakuya just stood still there while busying himself with glaring nonstop at me.

Now now, I wonder how the man that I acknowledged as the most interesting one in this bunch of captains—Shunsui Kyoraku —would persuade them to drop dead their pride before me?

Truly, they don't have any choice, do they?

Being Evil With You  (Bleach FANFICTION/ Aizen X OC)Where stories live. Discover now