What He Likes and Not

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" Hasu, I want to ask something. "

" Hm? Sure, what is it? "

" After talking to me for day and nights, have you ever slept well? "

" Yeah. Sometimes I have the feeling you want to talk with me, just like now. And that's why I can connect with you. But there are times where nothing happened in my sleep, so I just have a really really deep sleep, like usual. "

Oh? That sounds as if... I'm the one who get to call her to my side but not vice versa. So I assume this is something like a one way connection, is it?

I can call her but she cannot do the other way around.

However this is not something that I can be fully happy with, is it? Oh, guilty pleasure as they call it.

" Hmm, I feel conflicted again now. Knowing you are the only one who can feel my call but not vice versa. "

" Eh? Why? Isn't it easier that way? "

" It is, but realizing how often I wanted to talk with you, you must've been in lack of sleep. "

There was a pause on her reply, as if she's minding her words to comfort me. Truthfully, she no need to worry so much about it, I'd love to hear her honest thought. However, knowing that she put an effort to not offend me in any way, that seems to be really tactful of her. Which pleasing me the most.

" Well, not really, after all I've never done a lot of activity other than sleeping and chatting with you. Even when I want to chat with you, I have to sleep. So ... mmm ... I-I hope you get what I mean... "
Somehow she sounds nervous with it.

" Ah, of course I understand. "

She meant to say that she doesn't lack of sleep since all she has been doing is either asleep or talking with me. Even when we're communicating, she still have to go into a 'conscious sleep' state. Wether she awake or not, she won't get exhausted easily.

" I'm glad to hear that. "

" Mm-hm! Oh yes, actually there's been something I wanted to ask, Sousuke-San. "

Oh? I wonder what is it, lately I realized how excited I get whenever Hasu have question for me. I want to know everything—no, in fact, I have to know everything about her.

" Hmm, do you have a specific type of girl you like, Sousuke-San? Hehe. "
She innocently giggled, I can feel how embarrassed she is just from the tone.

However, I'm in confusion what to answer since I never particularly care for anyone until now with Hasu the only exception. And on top of that, Hasu just came to my life this very recently.

If I have to be honest, then perhaps I will straightforwardly say that Hasu is not really the type that I like. However, that doesn't mean I dislike her as well.

To be precise, I didn't have the time—or just never like—to ogling at anyone's face in order to find my type of woman. It's not wrong to say that I looked at the world in black and white as in, useful or useless. Only, that's not perfectly right either.

" Forgive me, but I don't think I could answer to your question in perfect reply. I wish you can guess this much, but I don't really have the time to see someone's else feature to see wether I like them or not. "

" Ah, is that so. Don't worry, somewhat I have the feeling you would say that. I mean, from the way you talk and... Judging how busy you were on your own plan before, I didn't hope much from my silly question. "

" Oh no no, that is not a silly question, wasn't it normal to ask that to your lover, I suppose? "

" ... I-is it? I'm just afraid if it sounds too silly for you, Sousuke-San. "

Somewhat I can imagine if she were to be in front of me right now, she would smile sheepishly and try to conceal her agitation.

How thoughtful.

" I'm not an animal, even though I don't have any types of woman I like, I still do feel the preference I'd like to have. "
I explained in a gentle voice as usual—only when I talk to Hasu.

Just when the mood is getting good—actually, my mood has always been good whenever I get to talk with Hasu—suddenly my consciousness take a notice from the outside world.

Seems like the Shinigami and Quincy has already done their talk. Glad to know that they won't waste any more time and my breath.

But it certainly give an unpleasant feeling to separate from Hasu. Just when Hasu start talking about her wavy hair, listening to that is far better than listening to the Shinigami and Quincy ridiculous argument.

" Hasu, I'm so sorry but it seems like I have to go now. There's someone who wants to talk to me. "
With heavy heart, I said.

" Alright. But, you're outside now? "

" Yes, the situation is pretty complicated to explain right now. I'll tell you some other times. "

" Okay, that's fine. Have a safe— "

" Aizen! Don't you dare pretend to sleep! "


Hah... I didn't even get to hear Hasu's farewell to me because of these apes. And now they want me to listen to them. Barbarian.

" I don't. I clearly hear what you said, Kyoraku. "
That wasn't a lie though. Even though my mind is talking to Hasu under my conscious sleep, I'm still able to hear and process the things people at outside talking about.

Right now, before me is a scene that's... Unimaginable. Fantasy-like.

" Are the Quincy and Shinigami joining forces? Are they going to protect soul society together? "
I asked, not letting any curiosity tone slip out. I just thought how bizarre but interesting this is.

" No. Everyone inadvertently chased after you. Long story short, we've decided to defeat a common enemy together. "

"... Well well, to think the man who defeated me, has now entered the soul palace before me. I found he is quiet a difficult man to forgive..."

Ah yes... Who doesn't remember him? Who doesn't know him? The young man with every mixed blood running in his vein. Those unwavering eyes, the dusk-colored hair, and of course, his all-black bankai.

Who doesn't know, everyone's hero...

" Kurosaki Ichigo. "

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