Within Death

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When the heart stopped beating, I know for sure I will go back to that pitiful world again eventually. Because that's just how basically immortality is.

However, I never knew, that I subconsciously asking for a companion to this never-ending thoughts.


I thought I was passing out from Yhwach crushing my heart and skipped everything where I go back to my cell while I was unconscious.

But I'm wrong.

Amusingly, I've gotten familiar with my own cell, so I know for certain that this place is not mine.

One thing that obviously pointing out that this is not my cell, is the color of my surrounding... And that I'm not chained down to any chair whatsoever.

Everything around me is just... White. Plain white with nothing else as far as the eye can see. No sound, no temperature, no signs of living creature.

Where am I? Did I finally die?


After all those efforts on bringing Hasu to my world, if I died for real right now, then... It must be the heaven playing a prank on me.

"... Hic ... "

That. I hear that.

The sound of--

" Hic...Hic... "

The owner of that cries only need to let out a breath and I would immediately recognize her.

Turning myself to the back, I was surprised at how close she is actually all this time.

She... Has always been behind my back and crying alone without my notice.

The urge of my desire to embrace her almost overcome me if I didn't realize she's crying about something. Even though I keep talking to her everyday and somewhat growing her into a tough girl, I know deep down that she still cry out about something.

True that sometimes I'd ask her what's wrong if her sadness affecting her mind, but I didn't ask all of the reason behind her cries if I could cheer her up again after that.

I thought, the act of considering her heart while still giving her some space to grow by herself is more like a gentleman just the way I am.

And this time, looks like I have to be the one who ask the question.

I crouched down behind her and gently rub her head as she sit down hugging her own knees.

" What's the matter this time, Hasu? "
I asked as soft as possible in attempt not to surprised her.

But alas, my plan fails me for this once.

Hasu instantly stopped her cried and raised her head. As if the time suddenly turning into slow motion, I can almost capture every frame of her face when she look at me.

Ah... Yes, perhaps, even she feels that goosebumps as well.

Her brown diamond-like eyes that just washed by her tears, sparkling like the diamond it is. Staring at my eyes, our eyes locked at each other. Though she was just crying for reasons that has yet to be known by me, I feel like this is the most perfect way to meet her.

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