See You, Love

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Second by second turn into minutes, then hours. I don't know whether the time we have spent together in this world has accumulated into days or not. However, one thing I know, the reality outside will not be as beautiful as this. And thus I will do everything on my power to bring us together like this soon.

Fate won't be so kind to let us meet each other for eternity if there's nothing to be sacrificed.

However, I will do the thinking later. Since I have my hands full with the love I'm pouring on Hasu.

Laying on the unknown white ground, we lay our guards down. Staring at each other while embracing all the warmth we could gather. Just from hugging her, I can tell how light her body already is. I know that she was sick for 2 years straight, calling it was her deathbed won't be too much of an exaggeration.

" What are you thinking, Sousuke-san? "
The little girl look up to me with those brilliant eyes.

" Can't you tell? "

" ...Seems like I cannot hear your thoughts right now. "

" You don't really need to hear other's thoughts to know what they're thinking, you know? "

" Hah... I know. But I don't have that much experience as much as you do to be able to do that. I never been that good with people anyway... "

She lowered her gaze to my chest and looked as if she's troubled with something. Fufu, actually it's a little bit fun to know her thoughts when she can't do otherwise.

" Do you think that you feel inferior to me? "
Hasu flinched a little, but her gaze still stay on the same place.

" You think because you were a sickly human being in your previous life and didn't communicate with others that well, you're not fit to stay by my side? "


" Haha, looks like there will be no end on showing you how endless my love for you is. "

I can't say I'm fully delighted by her pessimistic side on seeing the value on herself to stay by my side. But nevertheless, I'm already pleased enough if she really need my affection all the time.

If the world permit, I would've made her cannot live without my love.

Hasu suddenly tightened her grip on me clothes as she turns really bright red. As red as a lovely rose.

" D-don't worry... We both have all the eternity... together... T-that's why... Don't leave me, Sousuke-san... Without you... I just... can't. "



What is this? The heaven itself actually talking to me?

" Hasu, may I kiss you?"

"... W-w-w-what?! "

" No? "

" No! I-I mean yes... But... Please don't ask something like that so suddenly... "

She already closed her eyes in embarrassment. Haha, who would've ever thought Aizen Sousuke the infamous criminal—at least that's what the Shinigami called me—actually enjoy teasing up this little girl's obliviousness.

" Alright then, I'll take it as a yes. "




" Sousuke-san, there's something I've been wanting to tell you. But if I said it already, then we must be apart yet again. "

Being Evil With You  (Bleach FANFICTION/ Aizen X OC)Where stories live. Discover now