Chapter 1

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The hustle bustle around made the surrounding more chaotic, while the women were hurrying around with the puja thaals the men were busy looking after the arrangements. The huge mansion also seemed small with the presence of this crowd-the crowd which gathered for an auspicious occasion.The occasion which bind two people in a bond..A bond of love n trust for each other, bond of respect towards each other.

 Yes you guessed it right..this crowd has gathered for an auspicious occasion of marriage.Marriage of an angel with a star..the marriage had to be grand..after all its d marriage of the one and only daughter of Karan Murthy the biggest business tycoon of the town and that too with Virat Malhotra's son..Virat Malhotra the most successful businessman bagging most of the business awards..the marriage was not only grand it was an aureate of beauty..the beauty which was not only in d décor but also in the bridge and groom. Obviously it had to be because the bride is Nandini Murthy..How to describe her beauty her beauty??Her angelic serene face is enough even to melt a metamorphic rock,her jocund heart is more than enough to make you smile in even the worst-est of situation,no doubt she is short but her ebullient aspect will definitely make you forget about her chotu sa height..and the groom...ummhh..

i think I will commit a sin if I describe about his looks because no combination of 26 alphabets can describe his looks..even Venus the Goddess of love sometimes blushes seeing our groom Manik..Manik Malhotra..his name is enough to give shiver down your spine..his eyes perfectly fitted in the socket..his oh so expressive eyes is completely can just stand there and watch his magical eyes for hours..the first question which pops in your mind seeing his eyes is"how can someone's eyes be so expressive??"if someday I meet Almighty I will definitely ask him the reason of gifting Manik with mouth,because he does not need it at all..his eyes are so conveying that he doesn't need a mouth to express..

if you still did not faint being mesmerized with his bewitching eyes den let's talk about his slender cut face..PERFECT!!! from every bloody damn angle..and his jaw line it's so sharp that I guess my tiny fingers will definitely bleed while caressing it..and the mole on the left side of his upper lip is just a cherry on the short he is a complete Greek God.

The Murthy's and Malhotra's have been age old friends...And the tradition was also followed by their children, Manik and Nandini have been best friends since kindergarten.They were each others oxygen.Everyone called them Q and U because they never left each other.It won't be wrong to address both of them as each other's chuddy buddy.It felt as if the reason of their existence was each other's presence and today they were getting married to each other.

Nandini was sitting in her room with her seven years old niece Rosy

"You all are cordially invited to the marriage of our daughter Nandini Murthy with Manik Malhotra"

read out Rosy from the bedizened wedding card and as soon as she finished reading out the card she sat with a sad pout.

"What happened baby why are you so sad??"

"masi I m very angry with you..." 

 "But why baby??what happened??did I say something which hurt you??"Asked Nandini being concerned.

"masi did not you get anyone else expect Manik to marry??you know na how much I love him..i also said you that I want to marry him..then why are you marrying him??mamma says that its not good to snatch anything from anyone then why did you snatch my love from me??bolo na Nandu masi..i toh had even selected my lehenga for my marriage with Manik you know dat Aish..Aishw.." "Aishwariya Rai" corrected Nandini.

" haan haan wahi..the one she had worn in her marriage na that what I will do??why did you snatch my love Nandu masi??"

"you said correct baby snatching someone's love is very bad and if Manik would have understood that then today I would not be marrying him but the one whom I loved"while saying this saline droplets came out from Nandini's big doe eyes 

"masi why are you crying??" someone called Rosy and she ran following the voice but Nandini;her tear glands were perhaps widely open making her tears flow continually.

Hola amigos !! The first chapter is up..Short much? ya i know but i definitely cant proceed not at least without knowing what you think of the story.You may find this chapter a bit boring but you need to wait till the next chapter is out.THANKS to everyone who voted and commented on the previous chapter.I hope you like this chapter too and shower me with your support.Guys i am completely velle these days.I can actually update frequently as my boards are over but I need a little bribe and you guys what it is ;-) ,So decide k kya karna hai.

N do follow me in insta and twitter as I will be posting the details of the story there.and if any one can help making a cover please do DM me in insta/twitter.It would be of great help.



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