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   Hello there! I understand that a lot of people support Pewdiepie and Marzia, but I just wanted to make this fanfic for all the bro-ettes (Female bro's. I don't even know.) who all have that secret crush out there for Pewdie. C'mon, we all have one. Any who, I completely support Pewds and Marzia, but I'm just thinking.. Why the hell not? So here we go..

        Iris's P.O.V

"BRIIIING! BRIIIIING!" I heard my phone blare, signaling my awake. I stretched, a smile spreading wide on my face.

"TURN THE BLOODY THING OFF RIGHT NOW!" I heard my roommate, and best friend, Victoria shout from across the hall.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU DON'T HAVE A JOB." I retorted. I heard a faint scoff, and chuckled slightly.


"DON'T MAKE ME GET THE WATER BOTTLE." I sang, and earned a hiss, meaning this ended that.

I used to have a lizard named Squirt, and you're supposed to buy a water bottle and mist him with it every once in a while since the cage was so hot, but he died. I mourned, wearing black for almost a month (Until, a certain someone told me to 'Cut that crap out because I'm sick of you freaking out old ladies.' psh.) But kept the cage and stuff in case the time came for me to buy a new one. I also kept the water bottle. Which she hates.

As another, totally LEGITIMATE form of mourning, I used to spray her with it every time she got out of the bathroom/got home from work. I was jobless at the time. Now the tables are turned, and I don't have to worry about her anymore. I threw on a purple tank top, floral print jeans that folded up at the ankles, and purple Vans. I left my hair naturally wavy (and extremely red), and brushed on some light makeup, slicking on a layer of eyeliner for an added affect. I brushed my teeth and hair, and smiled in the mirror. I crinkled my nose up, liking the way my caramel freckles that dotted my nose joined in a collective wave.

"Raaa, go little people! Cheer for me!" I whisper/screamed before grabbing my keys, and heading out the door. Since that halfwit of a roommate always forgot to lock the door, and I didn't want her to get murdered, I locked the door behind me. I decided since it was fall, I would walk to my work. It was only about fifteen minutes from where I lived, and I always ended up being early anyways. The light danced off of my pale skin, and I inhaled the air, liking the way it felt right now.

Things were going good in my life, and I couldn't help but gain a small smile. Compared to what it was a year ago, I should be crying tears of joy.

I had just moved down here after breaking up with my boyfriend of eight years. It was messy since we had so much history. We had been together since the start of high school, and right after I got out, we moved in together and I went to college for my bachelors degree in communications and journalism. We were high school sweethearts, but I never really thought it was serious. When he asked me to move in, I started stepping up my game to be a better girlfriend. But.. It never clicked. I felt like he was settling, and I was settling, and things got so stressful so fast.

I just didn't want to be alone. Is it sad to say that I still worry?

And when he asked me to marry him, I said no. I packed up my things and didn't speak as I made my way out the door. He called me several thousand times in search for an answer. And I didn't have one. Because, what could I say? "It didn't click?" Eight years of stringing him along, and I finally realize it? I realized after staying at my best friend's house for three weeks that it wasn't right, and I was severely missing my parents. They had moved up to England a year before because my father was chosen to be manager in his accounting firm up there. I needed a change of scenery.

And this was my escape route.

I told very few people, and moved all of my stuff into my parents house where I stayed holed up; job searching and looking at apartment listings. Although it was very unlikely that I would find a roommate willing to rent to a girl fresh out of college with no job whatsoever.

But luckily, I made friends with a wildly outlandish girl named Victoria, who understood the struggles of not really knowing a direction quite yet. She let me off the hook for the first couple months until I found a stable job; the one I work at today.

Last month, Victoria got laid off at her job at a gaming studio because they were recruiting more experienced workers. So, we now still barely managed to scrape by. But it was enough, and it was all I needed, and I was HAPPY.

I walked into the small studio that was just a measly publishing firm; also where I worked at. I was greeted with a man a couple years older than me pulling me into a large bear hug.

"DONNIE! LET GOOO!" I barely breathed as I tried to squirm from his tight grasp.

"Iris Lockheart. Congratulations. You have been published." He said, giving me a crooked grin, and carefully setting me down.

My jaw dropped, and I attacked him in another hug, utterly speechless.

"No. Freaking. Way. I've been waiting for this day my entire life!" I squealed. I reached up, standing on my tippy-toes (As he was much taller than me) And clasped my hands around his neck.

"Thank you for giving me the God damned privilege of working here." I giggled. He muttered a no problem into my red hair, and I released him. I waltzed over to my station and began working, knowing full well that I wouldn't be able to think about anything else the entire time.

A/N: This is just an opening introduction to our character, Iris, and I gave her a little background story right now.

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