sebastian's mom

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as sebastian opened the door his mom walked in and smiled at rachel when she saw her rachel smiled back though she felt nervous.

" mom i wasnt expecting you" sebastian said

" never mind that why dont you introduce me to this lovely lady" his mom said

" ofcourse mom this is rachel and as you now rachel this is my mom maggie" sebastian said

" hi" rachel said shyly

" oh dont be shy its lovely to meet you" maggie said

" so what do i owe the pleasure of your visit" sebastian said

" well i had a rather interesting phone call from the man that fathered you" maggie said her angry at his dad still evident.

" oh really" sebastian said walking  through to the kitchen where he poured his mom a glass of wine.

" yes he told me you had...well his exact words were... our son is currently shacked up with a married woman" his mom said

" im separated" rachel said feeling the need to defend herself

" dont be uncomfortable my dear i knew there would be more to it i dont hold charles as a very believable source of information" she said

" rachel's husband was violent" sebastian said as he sat down next to rachel putting his arm around her as he did.

" well im glad you got out it took me a long time" maggie said

" i might not have left if it wasnt for seb" rachel said

" i could tell by her body language that she was terrifed of him i saw it often enough growing up" sebastian said

" well it seems to have worked out for the better already" maggie said smiling at them both.

" how is jane" sebastian said

" she is fine i hope you two will have dinner with us one night next week" she said

" sounds good" sebastian said

" rachel" maggie said

" sure" rachel said

" good now i know its late so i will be going but it was lovely to meet you rachel and sebastian you have once again madw me proud" maggie said standing they both stood up to maggie surprised rachel by hugging her then she hugged sebastian.

" goodlooking isnt he" maggie said to rachel and rachel was surprised to see sebastian blush

" mom" sebastian said

" oh come now you know your good looking you have seen yourself in a mirror" maggie said

" so the real reason you came was to embarrass me" sebastian said

" lok at him rach tryib to be humble" maggie said as she walked to the door

" i will be intouch about dinner" sebastian said

" good" maggie said and then she was gone.

" i dont cre who rings the damn doorbell next im not answering it" sebastian said

" its late i cant see anybody coming now" rachel said

" oh is that so" sebastian said

" what" rachel asked confused then she saw the smirk on his face.

" well you seem to think nobody is going to come well i was planning on taking you to bed and im pretty sure you will be..." sebastian said

" honestly" rachel said as he kissed her

" lets go to bed" he said picking her up amd carrying her to his/their bedroom.


rachel is feeling sick she is on her way to see mr wells her lawyer and jesse is going to be there its the first meeting between their lawyers and she can't stand the thought of been in the same room as him.

as she arrives at the building she sees jesse stood outskde she panics until she spots sebastian stood outsode too he was glaring at jesse but he turned and saw her and smiled at her.

sebastian started walking over to her jesse who had been facing away from her wwas watching him and he saw her and started walking over to but sebastian was faster.

" hey gorgeous " sebastian said pulling her into a very passionate kiss

" thats nice" jesse said

" it is" sebastian said putting his arm around her waist as they set off walking into the building

" how do you sleep at night knowing your breaking your vows" jesse said to her as he walked at the stand of them.

as they reached the lift sebastian hurried her in and managed to shut he doors before jesse could get in with them.

" you know if this wasnt such an important meeting i would press the emergency button and show you who your man is" sebastian said

" confrontation turns you on" rachel said

" im a lawyer" sebastian said

they reached the floor and headed to the office of harrison wells they walked in and saw jesse's lawyer sat opposite hers.

" hello ms berry" harrison said

" hey" rachel said as she sat down sebastian sat down next to her she was t sure it was a good thing or not having him in the room she knew it would piss jesse off but sje was nervous to be in the room with him without sebastian.

jesse walked in and glared at sebastian

" tell me is it mandatory to have the person who broke up my marriage in the room" jesse said as he sat down

" given its your divorce i would say its important that your here" sebastian said

" wait are you saying you believe mr smythe is the reason your wife left you" jesse's lawyer asked him

" thats exactly what im saying. " jesse said

" excuse me i need a private word with my client" harrison said rachel seb and him left the office.

" i knew he would blame you" rachel said gettig upset

" i think we need to tell the thruth" harrison said

" i agree" rachel said

" your sure" sebastian asked her

" yes absolutely im not having trashing your name and your reputation he is the bastard not you" rachel said qnd the three od them walked back in...

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