back to work

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its monday and rachel is excited its the first day of thoroughly modern millie its only the read through of the script but the thrill of being involved in a broadway show without  been  dicated by jesse is phenomenal.

sebastian had been so supportive he had woken her up by making her breakfast in bed he had a beautiful bouquet of pink roses delivered. she was feeling that same old feeling she had felt when she first started at nyada the possibility of living her dream was intoxicating.

as rachel arrived at the theatre she couldnt stop the grin that spread across her face as she walked in.

" ms berry"mr west said

" mr west thank you so much" rachel said

" no no thank you for seeing my play worthy of your talent" mr west said

" no i mean it thank you i needed a good boost and this does it" rachel said

" yes i know your husband hs been in trouble lately" mr west asked he had a very sympathetic look on his face

" yes well actually jesse and i are getting divorced " rachel said

" oh im sorry i didnt know" mr west said

" not many people do but i dont mind it getting out now i have moved on" rachel said thinking of sebastian

" well good for you to tell you the thruth i worked with jesse two years ago and he had me kicked off the production because i said i didnt like how he spoke to one of the actors" mr west said

" i can understand that" rachel said

" well i hope this play and your future hold great things for you and call me joe" he said

" i will "  rachel said

the day was perfect it was amazing she spent seven hours doing what she loves to do each hour had brought more of her old confidence back. if sebastian hadnt been waiting for her at home she would have stayed behind as she enjoyed herself so much.

as she got her coat on and was heading to the exit she saw sebastian stood just outside the theatre she walked quickly out to him.

" i thought you might still be here" sebastian said

" oh it has been amazing" rachel said as he pulled her to him and thry kissed

" i thought it might have been thats why i came i thought you might be to excitable that you might get the wrong train or something " sebastian said smiling at her.

" i probably would have done" rachel said happily

" its great to see you like this reminds me why my teenage crush on you started" sebastian said

" you are so adorable " rachel said kissing him

" well in that case we should get home and i can so you just how truly adorable i can be" sebastian said taking hold of her hand and they set offwalking down the street to the subway.

the train journey was only ten minutes but rachel enjoyed every second of it as the train carriage was packed and she was stood infront of sebastian and as the train moved she kept falling into him and it wasnt just her imagination that sebastian was enjoying it too.

once back at their apartment rachel walked in to see sebastianhad set the dining tabke wih a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

" when did you" rachel asked

" i set it up after you left this morning and i got a very good fan of ours to pop in and take the bottle out of the fridge" sebastian said as he picked up the bottle popped the cork and poured the  both a glass.

" to rachel barbra berry one in a million broadway star and legend in the bedroom" sebastian said  clinking his glass with hers.

" you are so gettimg some tonight" rachel said before they kissed

" i hoped you would say thay" sebastian said

" well its because of you i got the part" rachel said

" only because they thought you too talented and thought you wouldnt be interested " sebastian said

" i felt like i did in high school i mean the euphoric feeling of performing not the feeling of been slushied or blackmailed " rachel said she circled her finger on his chest as she ssid the latter part of her sentence.

"i wondered when you were going to bring that up" sebastian  chuckled

" how could i not" rachel giggled

" look at it this way atleast i gave you an engagement present " sebastian said

" that is true" rachel giggled

" see its all about perspective" sebastian said

" i guess your right" rachel said

"  are you just agreeing. with me because im gorgeous" sebastian asked

" partly " rachel said

" partly" sebastian asked raising an eyebrow

" well yes i am but there is another reason" rachel said

" would you care to share" sebastian asked

" well i was hopeing that you might cook for me" rachel said

" well its funny you say that" sebastian said takingnher hand and leading her into the kitchen where she saw pans on the stove.

" when did you" rachel started to say

" lunch hour am i amazing or what" sebastian asked rachel wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

author notice

hi guys hopefully next chapter tomorrow

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