girls and boys

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its saturday and rachel is at a hair salon with santana and brittany and quinn they are allhaving their hair and nails done. mercedes has had to fly back to los angeles to work on her album they are all goinnout to ight as hunter  is in the marines and he is due to leave tomorrow.

" so rachy i asked a question the other day which at the time you were unable to answdr but now given the obvious glow about you i will ask you again. just how good are prep school boys in the sack and do t bother denying it i know a sex glow when i see one" santana asked ra hel was embarrassed as the hair dresser who was doing her hair had clearly heard.

" santana " rachel said

" answer the question " quinn said as she sat having her nails done

"ok you want an honest answer well then he is the best i have ever had " rachel said

" i knew it" brittany said clapping

" does he still have his blazer" santana asked

" i dont know why" rachel said wondering where this conversation was going

" well i was just curious about wether he brought it out in the bedroom" santana said

" honestly santana " quinn said laughing.

that evening

as rachel was getting ready sebastian walking out of the bathroomshe was in his room getting ready he was only wearing a towel around his waist.

" like what you see" sebastian asked seeing her checking him out

" yes" rachel said he smiled thdn pulled the towel off leaving him completely naked

" what about now" sebastian asked

" even better" rachel said walking over to him.

later on

as rachel and sebastian arrived at the restaurant she was surprised to discover they were the last ones there.

" had a delay i see" trent said with a chuckle

" i like to make an entrance " sebastian said as he pulled rachel's chair out for her

"such a gentleman" quinn said

" us ruch boys usually are" thad said smiling at quinn. it was then rachel caught some of a conversation between puck and hunter.

" its great its hard work but the travelling is amazing i have seen parts of the wirld i didnt even know existed" hunter was telling puck

" i think its a great idea" puck said

"whats a great idea" rachel asked

" puck is thinkig of joining the marines" hunter said

" seriously " santana asked

" yeah think how hot i will look in the uniform plus i am a sex shark i think all the women of the world should experience the puckster" puck said.

" you know its a myth about us at sea shagging a girl in every port" hunter said

" really" puck asked

" yeah sometimes we get two at once" hunter said and he and puck clinked glasses

" good lord the world isnt safe" trent said

" i think its great that your thinking of your future im proud of you" rachel said

" thanks princess" puck said

once they had ordered their food they all sat around talking

" i have decided to attend night school dance classes at nyada" santana said

" wow you will love it" rachel said

" im auditioning for a dance group here in new york" brittany said

" so you guys arw sticking around " sebastian said

" yep" santana said

" i am going back to ohio" quinn said

" thats a shame" thad said

" well i have been given a job at an estate agency " quinn said

" still it is a shame though" thad said rachel and sebastian shared alook

" well look at this it serms the development of smytheberry is creating many a happy cross over relationships between us former rivals " trent said

" yeah though it helps that we are all incredibly good looking" sebastian said

" it does" trent said looking around the table.

the meal was lovely and they all decided to go to the jazz bar sebastian had taken rachel to have a dance.

" now sebastian i know rach might be yours but she is my jewish American princess ans if im going to be leaving i would very much like a dance with her" puck said as they entered the bar

"ofcourse " sebastian said

puck led rachel to the dancefloor.

" so my little jew it seems you have found mr right " puck said as they danced

" so you approve " rachel asked

"yeah i do he loves you i could tell he had feelings for you when i girst got to new york. the way he was s8 determined to help you its sweet i know im leaving you in good hands" puck said

" so you really are going to join up" rachel asked

" yeah i want to do something with my life you know something that means something make the world a better place for beth to grow up in" puck said

" im proud of you" rachel said

" right back at you" puck said.


sebastian was stood at the bar with hunter having at drink sebastian was watching rachel dancing she looked eo much happier now.

" so you gonna be alright without me" hunter asked

" yeah" sebastian said

" he will be fine he has rachel" trent said as he ordered a drink

" yeah thats true after all you might have saved her seb but i think she has sort of saved you" hunter said

" saved me from what" sebastian asked

" you...from been lonely " hunter said as puck nodded his head to indicate for sebastian to walk over to them.

" right then rach im gonna have to leave now but im leaving you in safe hands" puck said as sebastian arrived at her side.

" now you take care of her if i hear otherwise i will swim to thr nearest shore and hitchhike here and kick your ass" puck said

" no need i have no intention of hurting her" sebastian said

" i believe you" puck said

" right then rach give me a cuddle and im off" puck said

" thank you " rachel said to him as he smiled and walked towards hunter

" you alright " sebastian asked

" yeah" rachel said thpugh it was clear she was upset.

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