thruth is out

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as rachel sat back down in the office sebastian sat next to her smirking at jesse who looked rather unnerved by it.

" my client has informed me of a rather alarming reason for divorce " wells said

" oh really" jesse said

" my client has informed me that mr st james was violent towards her and that the break up the marriage was for her safety " wells said

" she is lying she cheated with that scumbag and now is trying to blame me" jesse said

" do you remember our conversation in your apartment" sebastian said

" what about it" jesse said

" i told you i was recording you " sebastian said pulling a tape out of his inside pocket

" your bluffing " jesse said though he wasnt looking quite so smug now

" play it" sebastian said placing the tape on the table

" this is obsurd" jesse said

" i think its important that i inform you that if that tape does indeed contain a confession of domestic violence we can go to the police if you dont give us what we want" wells said

" i think we need to reschedule this meeting" jesse's lawyer said getting up

" i look forward to hearing from you" wells said as jesse walked out after his lawyer

" well what do you think" sebastian asked

" i think we have the bastard rigt where we want him" wells said

" good" sebastian said taking hold of rachel's hand and kissing it

" thank you" rachel said she was looking at him shocked she hadnt known about the tape.

" i told you when i tuck you away from the tony awards that i wouldnt let him have any part of you back and i meant it. " sebastian said

later that night

as rachel laid cuddled up to sebastian she couldnt comprehend how much her life had changed in recent weeks she uad gone from a terrified shell of herself to being in love and feeling safe. as she laid there she looked at sebastian who was sleeping she wondered what she had ever done to deserve him,

" your staring at me" sebastian said without opening his eyes

" how do you know that" rachel asked

" because im naked so ofcojrse you would be looking at me" sebastian said

" i love how humble and modest you are" rachel said

" if you lift up the covers you will see something else that you love " sebastian said

" im naked too yet your eyes are closed" rachel said

" oh rach the image of you naked is ingrained in my mind i can see you naked anytime i want" sebastian said

" oh really" rachel asked blushing

" i know your blushing and yes it is true... although " sebastian said

"although what" rachel said

" i cant do this mentally " sebastian said caressing her breasts

" that is true" rachel said

" or this" sebastian said ducking under the covers.


its 11am and rachel and sebastian are currently walking hand in hand around central park having gotton a coffee from a coffee shop and are now happily sipping it as they walk around the sunny park.

" its a beautiful day " rachel said

" it is" sebastian said

" what shall we do today" rachel asked

" i think we should have a nice lunch then maybe see a a matinée then head home and have a ridiculous amount of sex" sebastian said rachel blushed a woman walking past them gasped at his words.

" you are so embarrassing " rachel giggled

" your so innocent well not quite as innocent as you were before i got you into bed " sebastian said

" is us in bed all you think about" rachel asked

" nope and im offended you could think that i will have you know i have many thoughts about us in the kitchen the bathroom and onnthe couch. innthe elevator in our building even the service elevator. my office at work your dressing room at the theatre. in the back of a car even in a quiet secluded point here in central park " sebastian said

" honestly well im pleased your using geography " rachel giggled

" yeah thats the key to a healthy sex life geography " sebastian said laughing

" shut up" she giggled

" is it too early for a nooner yet" sebastian asked

" yes but when have you ever lived by the rules" rachel asked

" taxi" sebastian yelled before running pulling her along the path to a taxi rank.

they both got into a cab and sat kissing the whole journey home the fact that jesse was now panicking about the divorce settlement had done wonders for their relationshipas rachel could now she that she would one day be completely shut of him.

author notice

hi guys sorry i havent updated alot recently i have being quite bust hopefully i cant update another story tomorrow. i think this one might only have a couple more chapters in it. i have also being working on a few unpublished stories which i hope  to publish once my current stories are complete.

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