so your going out again?

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the next morning rachel woke up and felt quite positive which she didnt usually feel first thing in the morning she got up and showered and once dressed out of her room to the smell of bacon wafting in from the kitchen. she walked through to find sebastian stood making breakfast.

" morning" rachel said

" good morning" rachel said

" how did you sleep" sebastian asked

" good how about you" rachel asked

" great" sebastian said as the door buzzer buzzed.

" i will get it " rachel said  walking to answer the door to find kurt stood there

" morning kurt" rachel said

" morning rachel " kurt said before walking into the apartment

" so how was last night" kurt asked as he walked into the kitchen rachel followed him

" you mean the blatantly set up date" sebastian asked while scrambling the eggs

" yes" kurt said

" it was great infact it was so great we decided to fly to vegas and get married" sebastian said

" so it went well then" kurt said giving sebastian a look

" we had a great time" sebastian said

" so what happens now" kurt asked

" well kurt what i think will happen now is i will plate up the bacon and eggs and rachel and i will eat them" sebastian said

" i meant are you to going on another date" kurt asked

" look we are two people who were set up by all our friends which was alittle awkward we did however have a good time." sebastian said rachel was stood there not sure of what to say as sebastian had surprised her by saying he looked at it as a date and she wanted to talk to him about it.

" good so you had a good time so we were right" kurt said triumphantly

" god your annoying" sebastian said

" what" kurt exclaimed

" well your desire to find out how it went could have ruined things" sebastian said

" what do you mean by that" kurt demanded

" well you were one of them that set us up and yet here you are at 10am asking how it went what if we were in bed having a little post date fun um did you think about that" sebastian said rachel blushed as kurt was looking at sebastian then at her then back at sebastian.

" you two got it on" kurt said his hand at his mouth in shock

" no and you should be ashamed of yourself rachel here is a lady you should know that" sebastian said

" look i understand that my coming here might have interupted something or not but as rachel's best friend i ant her to be happy and despite the fact that you sebastian smythe irrate me i think your actually a good influence on her. i merely wanted to see how it had gone and if she was ok with it" kurt said

" im teasing you i know we all want whats best for her and i had a great time and we are infact going to the ice hockey game together this afternoon" sebastian said

" really" kurt asked rachel

" yes" rachel said

" oh thats wonderful" kurt said

" no doubt you fill be informing the others of that" sebastian said plating up

" well i think they deserve to know" kurt saod he walked over and hugged rachel

" i will let myself out" kurt said

" breakfast is ready" sebastian said handing her plate to her as they walked to the dining table

" so that was an experience " sebastian said as he sat down

" yeah it was" rachel said

" im guessing you want to talk about my little comment last night" sebastian said

" yeah" rachel said as she ate her breakfast

" well like i said if it was a date it would be the best i have had" sebastian said

" was it" rachel asked

" was it a date thats up to you" sebastian said

" i had a good time" rachel said shly

" is that way of saying yes it was but im shy" sebastian asked

" i..." rachel started to say

" it was a date we had a great time it doesnt mean we have to rush anything does it i know your not yet divorced you know im hot we can take it slow see where it goes" sebastian said

" and this afternoon" rachel asked.

" the ice hockey game isnt a date given i was expecting to go with hunter though i am glad your coming wih me. now our next date will be something i plan" sebastian said

" i see" rachel said

" tomorrow night 7pm" sebastian said

" okay where are we going " rachel asked

" that is a secret" sebastian said

" seriously" rachel asked

" yep" sebastian said looking smug

" you havent got a clue where or what we will be doing have you." rachel asked

" nope not a clue but i will think of something and it will be epic" sebastian said

" oh" rachel said slightly blushing

" thats exactly what i expect you to say tomorrow night" sebastian said

" im joking" sebastian said seeing her expression

" what time are we going to the game today" rachel asked

" two oclock" sebastian said as the door buzzer went off again

" and so the vultures swoop" sebastian said standing up and walking to answer the door and returned with santana
" morning" rachel said seeing her sebastian set about clearing the table

" so i always wondered what those prep school boys would be like in bed tell me was he any good" santana asked

" i didnt sleep with him" rachel said

" wow he lasted all night" santana said

" no we didnt sleep together " rachel said

" i see im sorry i shouldnt have assumed so how did the date go" santana asked

" we are going out again tomorrow night" rachel said

" oh im so pleased for you so what you doing today" santana said

" we are going to an ice hockey game" rachel said

" well i have to say smytheberry is becoming my favourite ship you two are adorable" santana said

" we are" sebastian said walking in with three cups of coffee

" thanks for the coffee but i will be getting off and leave you two to enjoy your day" santana said standing up and letting herself out.

" i love how our friends are patiently leaving us to it" sebastian said

" yeah" rachel said

" rachel i feel the need to tell you that i think the reason they set us up was because i let slip to the guys that i liked you but wasnt sure you were ready" sebastian said

" oh" rachel said blushing yet again

" why are you blushing your a beautiful woman i you cant blame me for been mesmerised by you" sebastian said

" im not used to compliments" rachel admitted

" well you will get used to them soon enough" sebastian said smiling at her

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