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" oh my god" rachel exclaimed as sebastian down on bended knee got out a small box from hos pocket.

" rachel i know its usual to give some sort of speech but its December and my trousers are quite thin and im kneeing very close to ice covered ground. so all i really have to say is my life didnt seem to have a purpose beforr we re-met. you have given me a purpose you have shown me what true love is and i love you with every thing that i am so rachel berry would you make meeven happier by becoming my wife" sebastian said looking deep into her eyes.

" yes " rachel said he jumped up quickly and cuddled her before pulling away slightly to place the ring on her finger.

" you said yes" sebastian said cupping her face in his hands

" ofcourse I did" rachel said

" i was worried you might not want to get married again" sebastian said

" you are nothing like that idiot and i love you what i felt for him cant have bei g love at the timei thought it was buti was still raw from losing fin your the only man i have ever truly loved " rachel said

" careful rach my smugness is coming back i cn feel it" sebastian chuckled

" so can i" rachel said giggling

" no thats the ring box" sebastian laughed

" shame" rachel said

" so wbat do you say shall we go celebrate with our friends or se if the hotel round the corner has a room nd have a little celebration of our own" sebastian asked raising an eyebrow at her.

" well which would you prefer sebastian " rachel asked in her best im a good girl voice.

" sex" sebastian said

" i thought you might say that " rachel giggled

" i know its a big night being opening night but..." sebastian started to say

" but i will have other opening nights i wontnhave another just got engaged night and anyway i think whennour friends find out why we ditched them they will understand " rachel said

" they know" sebastian said

" they know " rachel asked

" blaine jokingly said to me last week he said so are you going to maje rach officially your considering you always say she is yours" sebastian said

" what did you say" rachel asked

" i said ofcourse i was" sebastian said

" then what happened" rachel asked

" santana that is what happened she heard the conversation as i was at the loft having dinner while you were rehearsing. so after several promises to go all lima heights on me if i didnt treat you right she inisted on helping me choose the ring but had already had it" sebastian said

" awe your adorable " rachel said

" well i can safely say my smugness is now well and truly back" sebastian said

" shall we get going to the hotel to take care of it" rachel asked

" good idea" sebastian said taking hold of her hand as they walked down the block.


six months later rachel and sebastian married all their friends were there they married at city hall and had the reception at the plaza hotel.

rachel couldnt believe how her life had turned round for the better she had thought she would never escape jesse she thought she would live the rest of her life in fear. now she was married  again only this time her husband made her feel safe.

sebastian was the most supportive in her life whatever hapoened he was there by her side she often found herself just watching him while he cooked or simply watched tv trying to find any trace of the former bad boy bully she had known in high school. the only time she saw a hint of the person he used to be was when he was in bed the looks he would give her that made her heart swell and her legs tremble. the smug cocky look in his eye letting her know exactly what he wanted.

in time they had a little boy called harry around the same time kurt and blaine adopted a little boy called thomas who was the same age as harry and it was clear the two boys would be best friends.

so after a very difficult few years rachel berry hadnt found her happy ending it had found her by placing her soulmate when and where she had needed him the most.

author notice

hi guys hope you liked this story

sorry its taken a while to fi ish this story i thought i had published tjis chapter days ago but i hadnt saw it in my drafts this morning so published it.

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